Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Poll: Giuliani and Clinton Lead in Wisconsin

A poll by Strategic Vision gives a snapshot of the opinions of 800 likely Wisconsin voters who happened to be at home, answered their phones, and agreed to take part in the survey when an interviewer called sometime between May 4-6, 2007.

How meaningful are these results?

Not very, unless you're interested in what people that spend the weekend inside think.

Nonetheless, here's some of the results:

7. Who is your choice for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2008? (Republicans only)

Rudy Giuliani 22%
Tommy Thompson 16%
John McCain 16%
Fred Thompson 10%
Newt Gingrich 8%
Mitt Romney 5%
Sam Brownback 2%
Tom Tancredo 2%
Ron Paul 2%
Mike Huckabee 1%
Chuck Hagel 1%
Jim Gilmore 1%
Duncan Hunter 1%
Undecided 13%

Do 16% really want Tommy Thompson to be president?

I wonder how much of that is a matter of name recognition.

Although Giuliani beats the former Wisconsin governor among residents of his own state, it's good news for Tommy that he's in second place and scores double digits.

If you can't carry your home state, you're in trouble.

Remember what to happened to Al Gore.

If Tennesseans hadn't abandoned him, Gore would have been the 43rd president.

Thank you, Tennesseans.

8. Who is your choice for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2008? (Republicans only;
Tommy Thompson excluded)

Rudy Giuliani 25%
John McCain 19%
Fred Thompson 15%
Newt Gingrich 9%
Mitt Romney 7%
Tom Tancredo 3%
Ron Paul 3%
Sam Brownback 2%
Mike Huckabee 2%
Chuck Hagel 1%
Jim Gilmore 1%
Duncan Hunter 1%
Undecided 12%

When Tommy Thompson is excluded, his 16% divides up pretty evenly among the other candidates, with Fred Thompson picking up the most support.

On the Democrat side of things:

11. Who is your choice for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2008? (Democrats only)

Hillary Clinton 38%
Barack Obama 25%
John Edwards 17%
Joseph Biden 6%
Bill Richardson 2%
Christopher Dodd 1%
Dennis Kucinich 1%
Undecided 10%

That's good news for Hillary.

I guess Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett's endorsement of Barack Obama wasn't enough to propel him to the top of the list of Dems. Not even close.

Biden got a whopping 6%. That may be one of his best showings in the country.

The results for this next question are revealing:

13. When making your selection for a presidential candidate, what are you looking for most in the candidate, charisma, experience, or ideology? (Democrats Only)

Ideology 37%
Charisma 29%
Experience 20%
Undecided 14%

Experience rates significantly lower than charisma!


Twenty-nine percent of Dems consider charisma to be the most important factor in choosing the President of the United States!


That makes the Wisconsin Dems look so superficial, and not too bright -- a party of dullards.

Do those Dems find Jim Doyle to be charismatic??? Is that how he got elected, on his incredible charisma, his magnetic personality?


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