Russ Feingold likes to say that.
Of course, there are others that don't believe there is a global War on Terror at all. It's a bumper sticker, a slogan.
These include four Democrat presidential candidates -- John Edwards, Joe Biden, Dennis Kucinich, and Mike Gravel.
One might consider these people uninformed or deceptive or stupid or liars.
Whatever one thinks of these Democrats, whatever their motives may be, they are WRONG when it comes to the War on Terror.
BAGHDAD -- U.S. forces raided an al-Qaida hide-out northeast of Baghdad on Sunday and freed 42 Iraqis imprisoned inside, including some who had been tortured and suffered broken bones, a senior U.S. military official said Sunday.
The raid was part of a 3-month-old security crackdown that included the deployment of 3,000 more U.S. troops to Diyala, a violent province north of the capital that has seen heavy fighting in recent weeks, said Maj. Gen. William Caldwell, the top U.S. military spokesman in Iraq.
Caldwell said Iraqis told U.S. forces about the hide-out: "The people in Diyala are speaking up against al-Qaida."
He said the 42 freed Iraqis marked the largest number of captives ever found in a single al-Qaida prison. Some of those freed were held for as long as four months and some had injuries from torture and were taken to medical facilities for treatment, he said.
U.S. troops freed Iraqis being held in an al Qaeda prison IN IRAQ.
The captives had been tortured.
Does Amnesty International know about this?
The organization should take a break from harassing the United States and condemn al Qaeda.
Remember al Qaeda?
Members of that terrorist group hijacked four U.S. civilian airliners and crashed three of them into both World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon. The fourth plane never made it to its destination, believed to be the U.S. Capitol, thanks to the bravery of passengers that tried to regain control of the plane.
Remember that?
It happened on September 11, 2001.
It was a big deal at the time.
For a few months, Democrats and Republicans alike stood shoulder to shoulder against our enemies.
Now, some Dems have forgotten.
It seems to me that they are putting their own short term political futures ahead of the long term security of the United States.
They want to deny that al Qaeda is in Iraq.
They want to minimize the global terrorist threat.
These Dems are dangerous.
Will they praise our troops for their successful rescue mission?
I don't see how they can.
According to some of them, al Qaeda isn't a factor in Iraq or a force worth waging war against on a global level.

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