Actor and Former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., and his wife, Jeri, arrive for a party at the Macedonian Embassy in Washington following The White House Correspondents' Dinner on Saturday, April 29, 2006. (AP Photo/Kevin Wolf)
Officials in Fred Thompson's inner circle decided the time was right to take the tease up a notch.
Thus, the leak, the speaking on condition of anonymity, the 4th of July tease.
WASHINGTON -- Fred Thompson, a former Tennessee senator and "Law & Order" actor, will take a step toward a formal presidential candidacy next week, several officials with knowledge of the plans said Wednesday.
Thompson will form a "testing the waters" committee, which will allow him to begin raising money and hiring staff without officially committing to a White House bid. The creation of the committee, to be called "Friends of Fred Thompson," will be paired with the start of his first major fundraising push.
The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the plans were not public, said Thompson is discussing plans for a campaign swing through various early primary states in late June, and is considering several options for a formal announcement should he ultimately decide to enter the race. They said that one scenario under discussion, among others, would have him officially announce his candidacy over the July 4 holiday.
But these officials also cautioned that he's made no final decision about whether to run or where and when to get in the race should he decide to go forward.
This isn't as bad as the media-hyped, goofy Chuck Hagel announcement that he was going to make an announcement about announcing his plans regarding the 2008 presidential race. Of course, that announcement turned out to be nothing more than an announcement that he was putting off a decision on running for the presidency.
Today's leak from the Thompson camp is a more subtle approach. There's no Hagel-style major press conference slated, when the media trekked out to Nebraska for a non-announcement.
It's also different in that many Republicans are actually encouraging Thompson to quit dangling his hat above the ring and finally toss it into the ring. Hagel didn't have the support that Thompson has. He didn't have the grassroots groundswell that Thompson does.
The Politico, the same online outlet that broke the news that John Edwards was withdrawing from the race, goes further than the Associated Press.
It states unequivocally that Thompson will enter the presidential race over the 4th of July holiday.
Fred Dalton Thompson is planning to enter the presidential race over the Fourth of July holiday, announcing that week that he has already raised several million dollars and is being backed by insiders from the past three Republican administrations, Thompson advisers told The Politico.
Thompson, the "Law and Order" star and former U.S. senator from Tennessee, has been publicly coy, even as people close to him have been furiously preparing for a late entry into the wide-open contest. But the advisers said Thompson dropped all pretenses on Tuesday afternoon during a conference call with more than 100 potential donors, each of whom was urged to raise about $50,000.
Thompson's formal announcement is planned for Nashville. Organizers say the red pickup truck that was a hallmark of Thompson's first Senate race will begin showing up in Iowa and New Hampshire as an emblem of what they consider his folksy, populist appeal.
A testing-the-waters committee is to be formed June 4 so Thompson can start raising money, and staffers will go on the payroll in early June, the organizers said. A policy team has been formed, but remains under wraps.
The supporters on Tuesday's call make up a group the campaign is calling "First Day Founders." When launched, the campaign will have offices in Nashville and Northern Virginia, the advisers say.
Campaign officials said they have every indication Thompson will declare his candidacy, but cautioned that he could still decide not to run or to postpone the announcement. Mark Corallo, the campaign spokesman, said: "He is seriously considering getting in and doing everything he has to do to come to a final decision."
I think this buzz is legitimate.
It appears that the months long Fred Thompson tease is going to end with a commitment to run for the presidency.
There is a problem with Thompson putting a lid on all the speculation about his presidential intentions.
He'll no longer be able to hide on the sidelines and issue statements or write columns when he feels like it. Thompson will have to deliver on a regular basis.
Thompson's tease routine that he's been milking since March has had the effect of setting the bar very high. Expectations are great.
Has the hype crowning Thompson as the great Republican savior set him up to be a disappointment?
I don't know.
I think there's a strong possibility that could happen.
Will the Republican Party be reborn on the 4th of July?
Anything short of that will be a letdown.
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