WNOV radio personality and former Milwaukee Alderman Michael McGee, Sr.
(Photo/ WISN 12)
I am disgusted and angry beyond words.
When is the Milwaukee community going to say, "ENOUGH"?
WNOV (860 AM) should axe Michael McGee, Sr. NOW.
This man, a former Milwaukee alderman and father of current Milwaukee alderman Michael McGee Jr., has no sense of decency. He doesn't possess a shred of decency, no compassion whatsoever. He is utterly heartless. I think he's soulless.
This morning, "Commander" McGee made remarks about WTMJ (620 AM) talk show host Charlie Sykes and his mother's recent death.
Via Patrick at Badger Blogger, Real Debate Wisconsin has the audio of McGee's vicious attack on Charlie Sykes and his mother. McGee also blasts Mark Belling, his mother, and all of Milwaukee. I assume McGee means white Milwaukee.
It's really hard to transcribe the audio because McGee slurs and mumbles, but here are some quotes:
(Warning: Offensive, vulgar, racist language.)
"Mother Sykes... she dead. I mean, to me, it's the vengeance of God. I ain't got no tears."
"A woman that have a fool like that deserve whatever's coming to her, 'cause she raised a sure enough idiot. "
"And of course Mark Belling created in a lab out of spare parts."
"On the real side, whatever happen to those monsters, they deserve it."
"But really on the other side of it, just my, my, my instincts say Charlie Sykes killed his mama."
"He got tried of waiting for that money."
"Said, 'Mama gotta go.' "
"[If not for] Hitler's mama, wouldn't have been no Hilter. So the way I look at it, it's tied in."
"When you got evil like Charlie Sykes, I mean on any issue that fool is against the black community... it could be some young nigger spitting in the street..."
"All of them fools and Milwaukee as a whole -- They hate a nigger. And they hate, they hate, they hate."
McGee also rambles on about the "plantation" and the "master pissing" in the "nigger's face."
It's absolutely sickening.
Where's the local chapter of the NAACP on this one? I'd like to hear reaction from them. Do they only get bent out of shape about handcuffing violent MPS students?
McGee can be as vile as he wants to be. His right to free speech is protected under the Constitution. He can spew his hatred, but there are standards and regulations when it comes to airing his reprehensible slime on the radio.
I could not care less about Don Imus, but let's have at least a semblance of consistency here. McGee's comments are certainly as offensive as Imus' "nappy headed hos."
This man should be thrown off the air.
Who listens to this guy? Do they agree with him? Are they entertained by him?
It's frightening to think that such ugliness garners an audience.
Here are some contacts at WNOV:
CEO/President -- Jerrel Jones
General Manager -- Sandra Robinson
Program Director/Music Director -- Homer Blow -- homerblow@yahoo.com
Business phone number for the station: 414-449-9668
Update: According to TMJ 4, McGee will NOT be on the air on Friday.
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