Nifong: The truth won't set him free.
The injustice that was done in the Duke lacrosse rape case is really jaw-dropping.
RALEIGH, N.C. -- District Attorney Mike Nifong acknowledged Friday that he "maybe got carried away a little bit" in talking about the three Duke University lacrosse players who were once charged with raping a stripper, and he said he expected to be punished by the state bar.
"I think clearly some of the statements I made were improper," Nifong testified Friday at his own ethics trial.
The lacrosse players were cleared of all charges after the state attorney general took over the case earlier this year. And the North Carolina State Bar charged Nifong with violating the rules of professional conduct, alleging he withheld the DNA test results from the defense, lied to the court and bar investigators, and made inflammatory comments about the athletes during his investigation.
Nifong had calling the players a "bunch of hooligans" and had confidently proclaimed last year that he wouldn't allow Durham to become known for "a bunch of lacrosse players from Duke raping a black girl."
What Nifong did to Collin Finnerty, Reade Seligmann, and David Evans and their families is absolutely unconscionable.
I think it's important to remember that rich, white guys aren't immune from the abuses of a prosecutor run amok.
Not only the poor and minorities are victimized.
Did anyone spot Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson in the courtroom?
Liberty and justice FOR ALL.
Speaking of injustice and the ravages of prosecutorial abuse, Patrick Fitzgerald comes to mind.
Nifong resigns.
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