Sunday, June 24, 2007

Hate Mail from an Academia Nut

Yesterday, I got some feedback on my blog.

The individual didn't post a comment. He emailed me his thoughts.

The subject line read: your blog stinks

He wrote:

Dear Reich-Wing Talking Points Mouthpiece,

The simple-minded, Rove's-girl, talking-point-parrot nature of your blog is an embarrassment to thinking persons everywhere. Too bad for our country there were so many authority-worshipping "good Germans" like you who chose to confuse unthinking loyalty with some simplistic view of righteousness. Those who step outside the Reich-wing talking points and dare to question official lies are much *more* American than shrill parrots like you, not less. Luckily for our country, the people are waking up to how they've been had by Cheney/Rove et al and their amoral campaign to satisfy their lust for power. Many of them will wind up doing time for their crimes; stay tuned.

You, madam, are a lackey, a sucker and loser. As with most of the remaining "true believers" of the Rovian age, you still haven't grasped it yet, but history *will* judge mindless Bush suck-ups like you very, very harshly as the full nature of this recent detour into darkness is made public. You and your fellow authoritarian suckups will be viewed in the same light as those who sucked up to (and thereby empowered) Hitler as he indulged his power lust at the expense of the German nation.

-- Jeff C.

Can you feel the hate?

It's creepy, but it gets even creepier.

The "from" line of the email read: Jeff C. Curtis.

I was curious about this Mr. Curtis. The individual seemed positively consumed by ugliness, which is typical from the most rabid Leftists.

I decided to google Jeff C. Curtis.

What's this? There's a Jeff C. Curtis on the faculty of the University of San Francisco.

And what's this? I got a hit on my blog from the domain and the IP address was University of San Francisco.

The time of the visit matched up with the time of the email. An outclick from that visitor hit my profile page where my email contact can be found.


All the information points to Jeff C. Curtis, chemistry professor at USF, as the author. Of course, I can't be certain, but it's pretty airtight.

If Curtis didn't write the email, then someone impersonating him on the Internet did.

Read Curtis' biography here and here.

Jeff C. Curtis
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Dr. Curtis' areas of interest and research in inorganic chemistry include: optical and thermal electron-transfer processes, redox kinetics and electrolyte effects thereon, solvent-solute interactions and second coordination sphere interactions. Dr. Curtis has received the University Distinguished Research Award at USF.

Distinguished Research Award. Interesting.

There's a photo of Curtis here.

What do you think?

Does this USF faculty member look crazed to you?

I don't know.

The email seethes with anger. I have to question the author's mental stability and his character.

It's bizarre.

What would possess what seems to be a chemistry professor from San Francisco to attack me with such vehemence and ferocity?

Again, this was not left in the comment section of my blog in reaction to a specific post. This was an email.

I know that it's not unusual for Leftists to get really ugly. Joe Klein knows that, too.

I'm just surprised that a USF faculty member, a PhD, appears to have written something so vile.

I suppose the author thought he was doing it anonymously, leaving no slimy trail.


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