I don't think enlisting the help of Danny Glover is a wise move.
If by some snowball's chance in hell Edwards manages to win the Democrat nomination, his association with Glover could be a problem in an attempt to swing toward the center for the general election.
Danny Glover is a real piece of work.
FLORENCE, S.C. -- Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards added some Hollywood star power to his focus on rural problems, campaigning Wednesday in South Carolina's small towns with actor and political activist Danny Glover.
Glover, whose movie credits include "The Royal Tenenbaums" and the "Lethal Weapon" series, joined Edwards as he spoke to a crowd of more than 200 about increasing employment and improving education.
Glover said Edwards understands the needs of the working poor and that the campaign is telling their story. "This is a campaign about real democracy," Glover said.
The Associated Press should mention that Glover's idea of "real democracy" is the brand that his best buddy Hugo Chavez touts.
Why leave that out of the article?
Trying to make Glover seem less radical, socialist, and anti-American, I suppose.
...Edwards said the nation's need to wean itself off foreign oil could create 1 million jobs and help rural economies with the development of alternative power such as biofuels and wind turbines.
Is Edwards really suggesting that the U.S. should wean itself off Chavez's "black gold," "Venezuelan tea"? That must have rubbed Glover the wrong way.
Glover can't possibly want Chavez to lose oil revenue.
Chavez's Venezuelan Congress approved financing to bankroll two films to be made by Glover.
They are close friends, Chavez and Glover. Good buddies.
Remember last year when Chavez made his despicable remarks to the United Nations General Assembly, calling President Bush "the devil" and calling Americans "imperialists"?
Remember when he repeated the "devil" remark the next day at an event in Harlem?
And who stood shoulder to shoulder with Chavez, endorsing his disgraceful anti-Bush comments?
John Edwards campaigner Danny Glover.
NEW YORK -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, appearing Thursday at a Harlem Church for an oil-for-poor event, repeated his 'devil' reference hurled a day earlier at President Bush during a speech at the United Nations.
"They told me that I should be careful after I called him the devil — and I think he is the devil — because he might kill me" Chavez told a crowd packed into the Mount Olivet Baptist Church in Harlem.
"But, I place myself in the hands of God," he said.
Chavez, who was introduced at the podium by activist-actor Danny Glover, was visiting the church as part of ceremonies to announce the sale of discounted home heating oil to qualified low-income families.
The appearance came a day after Chavez delivered an insult-riddled speech at the U.N. General Assembly in which he called President Bush the 'devil.'

Picture John Edwards to the left of Chavez, the axis of socialist nutjobs.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, right, and actor Danny Glover wave to a crowd gathered at the Mount Olive Baptist Church in the Harlem neighborhood of New York Thursday, Sept. 21, 2006. (AP Photo/Shiho Fukada)
Danny Glover-- This is the guy, the "Hollywood star power," that John Edwards has asked to hop on board his campaign bandwagon; this high profile pal of Hugo Chavez.
Is Edwards trying to appeal to fringe Lefties in the U.S. while at the same time hoping that most Americans don't realize what a kook socialist Glover is?
I think Edwards knows that he has to gamble. He has to get support from the far Left-wing any way that he can. He can't let all of that support and cash go to Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.
Maybe it's not a stunt. Maybe he really agrees with the Chavez-loving Glover. Maybe Glover and Edwards don't make such strange bedfellows.
Maybe Edwards really is comfortable around socialists, at least more comfortable than he is around gays.
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