Friday, June 15, 2007

Pariah FOX News and Angelina Jolie

First, it was the wimpy Democrat presidential wannabes that refused to appear on a debate hosted by the FOX News Channel.

Now, Angelina Jolie has made a complete fool of herself for dissing FOX and attempting to control the press as she hawks her new film, A Mighty Heart.

The kicker is that the movie is about murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

Roger Friedman writes:

Angelina Jolie's true colors came out Wednesday as she promoted a film about freedom of the press and then tried to censor all her interviews.

Jolie is touting press freedom these days, playing the widow of murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in a new movie called "A Mighty Heart."

But Jolie turns out to be a mighty hypocrite when it comes to her own freedom of the press. Her lawyer required all journalists to sign a contract before talking to her, and Jolie instructed publicists at first to ban FOX News from the red carpet of her premiere.

Ironically, Wednesday night's premiere of the excellent Michael Winterbottom-directed film was meant to support an organization called Reporters Without Borders. Jolie, however, did everything she could to clamp down on the press and control it.

...Jolie told Paramount Pictures publicists to ban FOX News Channel and all FOX News affiliates from covering the "Mighty Heart" premiere on the red carpet. It was only with the intervention of mortified Paramount staff that an FNC camera crew was allowed to be present.

Apparently, no one told Jolie of the highly positive review FOX News had given "A Mighty Heart" from Cannes.

Jolie backed off from her demands, but the damage was done.

Read more.

Studio execs can't be too happy about this.

Jolie screwed up royally, but I really don't care about that.

The larger and more disturbing issue is how Lefties attempt to censor free speech.

In effect, they want to punish FOX.

It's troubling that Dem presidential candidates have no problem kowtowing to the nutjobs of their radical base and abandoning a major news outlet that reaches millions of people.

As Jay Leno joked, "How are you going to stand up to terrorists if you're afraid of FOX News?"

Jolie and the Dems against FOX really debase themselves when they exhibit such intolerance.

America was founded on tolerance.

I think America's Founding Fathers, the Framers of the Constitution, would have wanted the Dems to take part in a debate on FOX.

I think they would have frowned on Angelina Jolie for trying to ban FOX from covering her movie from her precious red carpet.

I'm completely confident that the Founding Fathers would put FOX News bumper stickers on their SUVs if they were alive today.

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