Thursday, June 7, 2007

Left-Wing Ugly

Joe Klein can't stand the heat.

He had an awakening about the Internet and the Left.

The poor baby discovered that the Lefties posting on Internet sites can be some of the most vile creatures on this planet and he just had to do an exposé.

Klein can't take it anymore. He and Paris Hilton must be kindred spirits.

Klein writes:

First, let me say that I really enjoy blogging. It's a brilliant format for keeping readers up to date on the things I care about—and for exchanging information with them.... I love linking to smart work by others, something you just can't do in a print column.

But the smart stuff is being drowned out by a fierce, bullying, often witless tone of intolerance that has overtaken the left-wing sector of the blogosphere. Anyone who doesn't move in lockstep with the most extreme voices is savaged and ridiculed—especially people like me who often agree with the liberal position but sometimes disagree and are therefore considered traitorously unreliable. Some of this is understandable: the left-liberals in the blogosphere are merely aping the odious, disdainful—and politically successful—tone that right-wing radio talk-show hosts like Rush Limbaugh pioneered. They are also justifiably furious at a Bush White House that has specialized in big lies and smear tactics.

And that is precisely the danger here. Fury begets fury. Poison from the right-wing talk shows seeped into the Republican Party's bloodstream and sent that party off the deep end. Limbaugh's show—where Dick Cheney frequently expatiates—has become the voice of the Republican establishment. The same could happen to the Democrats.

I want to be gentle because I know Klein is the sensitive type, but what a load!

He condemns the bullying tactics of the Left and then he blames the situation on Rush Limbaugh and talk radio. The Lefties are only parroting what the Right does.

In other words, they've chosen the wrong role model. Limbaugh has led the little lambs astray.

Good grief.

Klein warns his Lefty brethren not to become like the Republicans. He preaches that libs are better than that.


Total BS.

The Left is ugly because the Left is ugly.

Many on the extreme Left are ruthless, heartless people.

That has nothing at all to do with conservative talk radio. Absolutely nothing.

Anyone who spews the uncivil, vengeful stuff on the Internet or anywhere else has a character flaw. One is solely responsible for one's actions. No excuses.

I've been the target of hateful, damaging Internet attacks from Lefties that went far beyond some sharp verbal slings and arrows.

They're not Limbaugh wannabes. Talk radio didn't make them do what they did to me.

They're sick, dangerous, deranged, despicable people.

And I'm being kind, as well as abiding by the confidentiality clause.

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