Leading Wisconsinites Endorsing Hillary Today:
* Kathleen Falk, Dane County Executive
* Matt Flynn, Former Chair of the Wisconsin Democratic Party, Milwaukee Attorney
* Tom Loftus, Former Speaker of the Wisconsin Assembly and Ambassador to Norway
* Nancy Nusbaum, Former Brown County Executive and Mayor of DePere
* Brady Williamson, Madison Attorney
* Georgia Duerst-Lahti, Beloit College Professor, Commentator
* Kate Peyton, Activist and Organizer
* Jackie Boynton, Founder, Women's Choice, Milwaukee Attorney
* Karen Campbell, Milwaukee Community Leader
* Heather Colburn, Interim Director, FAIR Wisconsin
* Janis Ringhand, Former Evansville Mayor
* Bill Broydrick, Former State Assembly Member, Founder Broydrick & Associates
Perhaps the "Hillary Clinton 4 Election 2008" website should start a new list:
"Leading Wisconsinites on the D.C. Madam's Phone List Endorsing Hillary Today"
Here's another idea:
Hillary's campaign is hosting debate parties.
Taking a page from MeetUp.com and other online organizing pioneers, supporters of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton will host 400 house parties to watch her square off with her Democratic rivals in Monday's presidential debate.
The parties are sponsored by Club44, an effort by the Clinton campaign to recruit younger female supporters.
Speaking of MeetUp.com, Hillary supporter Broydrick might have some thoughts to offer on how to recruit younger male supporters to board the Hillary bandwagon.
Maybe something that would be more appealing to males than "smokes for votes" or "Kringles for votes."
More on Broydrick.
Oh, where have you been,
Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Oh, where have you been,
Charming Billy?
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