Feingold appeared on FOX.
Yes, Feingold appeared with Chris Wallace on FOX News Sunday.
Will the Lefty Daily Kos and MoveOn radicals object to their darling Feingold venturing into this unfair and unbalanced enemy territory?
If the Leftists loons are to be consistent, they should. They won't because they aren't consistent. They aren't logical. They demanded that the Dem presidential candidates boycott a debate hosted by FOX and the good, little puppets obliged.
Why does Feingold get to go and have his mug on FOX? There's no rhyme or reason to what the Left does.
So after Feingold's big day last Sunday on Meet the Press, when he made headlines by calling for President Bush to be censured, he took his little act on the road to FOX News Sunday.
I wonder where the next stop on his Censure Bush Tour will be. ABC with Stephanopoulos? CBS with Bob Schieffer?
Maybe a more intimate setting, like a conference call with Left-wing nuts.
All these TV appearances do have me wondering about Feingold's hair. How much does he pay for a cut? Whatever he's paying, it's too much. But I digress.
Anyway, Feingold was blabbing about the same old, same old.
Bush is destroying the country. He's attacking the privacy of Americans.
Attorney General Alberto Gonazles is a liar.
Bush should be censured.
Blah, blah, blah-dee, blah.
WALLACE: Finally, while all this is going on, as you pointed out, you plan to introduce legislation or resolutions this week to censure the president, two resolutions.
When you tried this last year, only three Democrats signed on to your motions or to your resolutions. Wouldn't the American people rather see Congress do something about lower drug prices, about energy policy, about student loans, all part of the Democratic agenda, that you haven't passed so far rather than engage in this political theater?
FEINGOLD: Well, Chris, that's just not true. We have passed a major energy bill in the Senate. We have passed major legislation on student loans and higher education. The fact is we have done those...
WALLACE: But forgive me, Senator, but none of it has gotten through Congress.
FEINGOLD: Well, the fact is the minimum wage increase got through Congress, and I think by the end of this week you'll see a major lobbying and ethics reform bill passed that's going to be one of the most important bills in 30 years in this area that actually gets at some of these abuses from the Abramoff scandal.
So it's a myth that nothing's been accomplished. But it is time to address the matter of the illegal and other conduct of this administration....
If I hear one more Dem brag about the minimum wage increase, I'm going to be sick.
Whenever a Dem or a Dem supporter is asked to cite an accomplishment of the party, it's always the minimum wage increase.
That's the case because that's all they've got.
Feingold's rant picks up steam.
...This administration, honestly, has been one of the worst in American history. It has abused the American public with regard to the Iraq invasion in terms of misleading us as we got in and misleading us as we stayed there.
They have attacked the rule of law on everything from illegal wiretapping programs, to the writ of habeas corpus, to torture policies, to abuses under the Patriot Act. It has been a shameful record.
And there needs to be some historic recognition that these things are wrong. If the Congress does nothing, what will our children and grandchildren say when they look at the historical record of an administration that has abused the American people?
WALLACE: Senator Feingold, we're going to have to leave it there. We want to thank you so much for talking with us today.
That is absolutely pathetic.
"This administration, honestly, has been one of the worst in American history."
I think Feingold has been one of the worst U.S. senators in our state's history. That's too narrow to just refer to Wisconsin. Make that American history.
What will our children and grandchildren say when they look at the historical record of Sen. Feingold and see how he abused his position of power, DURING WARTIME, to serve his massive ego and insatiable need for attention?
At every turn, he's tried to undercut the Bush administration's attempt to protect Americans and fight terrorists.
What will our children and grandchildren say when they look at the Congressional Record and learn that Wisconsinites sent a senator to Washington that cared more about protecting terrorists than the lives of infants, the weak and the innocent?
On September 26, 1996, during debate on partial birth abortion, Feingold revealed just how extreme he is.
Sen. Santorum: Will the Senator from Wisconsin yield for a question?
Sen. Feingold: I will.
Sen. Santorum: The Senator from Wisconsin says that this decision should be left up to the mother and the doctor, as if there is absolutely no limit that could be placed on what decision that they make with respect to that. And the Senator from California [Sen. Barbara Boxer] is going up to advise you of what my question is going to be, and I will ask it anyway. And my question is this: that if that baby were delivered breech style and everything was delivered except for the head, and for some reason that that baby's head would slip out -- that the baby was completely delivered -- would it then still be up to the doctor and the mother to decide whether to kill that baby?
Sen. Feingold: I would simply answer your question by saying under the Boxer amendment, the standard of saying it has to be a determination, by a doctor, of health of the mother, is a sufficient standard that would apply to that situation. And that would be an adequate standard.
Sen. Santorum: That doesn't answer the question. Let's assume that this procedure is being performed for the reason that you've stated, and the head is accidentally delivered. Would you allow the doctor to kill the baby?
Sen. Feingold: I am not the person to be answering that question. That is a question that should be answered by a doctor, and by the woman who receives advice from the doctor. And neither I, nor is the Senator from Pennsylvania, truly competent to answer those questions. That is why we should not be making those decisions here on the floor of the Senate.
That exchange is chilling, so chilling that Feingold had the Congressional Record altered.
In effect, Feingold chose to lie about what he said. By having his remarks expunged from the Congressional Record, he's misled future generations about what he said on September 26, 1996. He lied about himself.
Look at what Feingold has done. He has spent his time in the Senate making it easier for terrorists to hatch and carry out attacks, aiding and abetting the enemy.
During his tenure in office, millions of unborn children have been slaughtered. He has their blood on his hands.
It's a shameful record.
It's time to censure Feingold.
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