Congressman To Offer House Legislation As Companion To Feingold's Censure Resolutions In The Senate
Saying that the time has come for Congress to formally condemn the Bush administration for falsifying its justification to attack Iraq, mismanaging the subsequent military occupation, and egregiously abusing the Constitution, Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) today announced that he will soon introduce two resolutions in the House to censure President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and other senior administration officials. Hinchey's resolutions in the House will be companions to the censure resolutions U.S. Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) will be introducing in the Senate. Feingold and Hinchey are currently working to develop language for the censure resolutions that will attract the broadest support and plan to introduce the measures next week.
"The American people have reached a breaking point with this administration and they are demanding that Congress step up and hold the president, vice president, and others in the executive branch responsible for their actions," Hinchey said. "While President Bush and Vice President Cheney continue to operate as if they are leaders of a monarchy, Congress should censure them and make it clear to this and future generations that their actions are entirely unacceptable. If Congress does not act to formally admonish this White House then the future of our democracy will be placed on a slippery slope in which other presidents may point to the actions of this administration as justification for further abuses of the Constitution. Congress cannot allow such abuses of power and law, which is why Senator Feingold and I will soon introduce these censure resolutions."
...Hinchey and Feingold, who first announced his plans to offer the censure resolutions in the Senate on Sunday, are continuing to draft the censure resolutions and are actively soliciting the input and support of their colleagues as well as their constituents and the American people at large.
Hinchey's site also has a statement from Censure nutjob-in-Chief Russ Feingold:
“Congressman Hinchey has been a strong voice in opposition to the President’s policies in Iraq and in defense of the Constitution. I thank Congressman Hinchey for his willingness to stand up to this administration for its misleading statements leading up to and during our military involvement in Iraq, as well as its attack on the rule of law. I am working with Congressman Hinchey and others in crafting these censure resolutions condemning the damaging actions of this administration. Censure is about holding the administration accountable. Congress must be on the record repudiating the administration’s misconduct, both for the American people, and for history.”
Yes, Hinchey and Feingold are two peas in a pod, or if you wish, two nuts in the same shell.
Under "Latest Isssues," from Russ Feingold's senate website:
This Administration has led an assault on the rule of law and misled our nation into a war with Iraq and must be held accountable.
That is why I am introducing two censure resolutions condemning the President, Vice President and others within the administration.
For more details, watch my appearance on NBC's Meet the Press , watch or read my questioning of Attorney General Gonzales, or read my blog about the censure resolutions I plan to offer.
I have heard from many people in my home state of Wisconsin as well as from across the country about the need for accountability. As I draft these censure resolutions, I invite you to email me your ideas and suggestions of what to include in these resolutions to hold the Administration accountable.
I'm not surprised that Hinchey and Feingold are working together.
Hinchey is a far Left loon. Birds of a feather....
On Mark Levin's show today, Hinchey was a guest.
He tried to be cool, but was incoherent.
One thing he was clear about was this: Hinchey said, "We're not in the middle of a war."
That says all you need to know. Hinchey is another one of those Democrat foreign policy dolts.
War? What war?
To get an idea of the sort of congressman that Hinchey is, read the transcript from Hinchey's July 19 appearance on MSNBC with Tucker Carlson.
He discusses the Fairness Doctrine and his desire to tread on Americans' right of free speech.
It's funny that libs like Hinchey whine about the civil rights abuses of the Bush administration at the same time they argue about the need to trample on our rights.
"Funny" isn't the right word. "Hypocritical" is better.
And now you know a little about Russ' new friend.
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