Monday, July 9, 2007

Michelle Obama Targets Elite Donors

The campaign trail brought Barack Obama's wife Michelle to Milwaukee last night for a fund-raiser.

It was a very exclusive affair.

No press allowed.

This wasn't for the little people. This was for a more elite crowd. When Barack was in Milwaukee to kick off his Wisconsin campaign, he gave a 25 minute speech at the 4,000 seat Milwaukee Theatre. Suggested donations to attend the event were $25.

That was a bargain compared to the fund-raiser that followed, hosted by Sen. Herb Kohl's nephew Dan. That private gathering at Kohl's River Hills home had a steep price -- $1,000 per person. Obama's not shy about asking people to pony up.

Now, it's wife Michelle's turn to rake in the dough. She is forgoing an appearance before the little people and using her time to shmooze with big donors, as well as big state politicians.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The fund-raiser, which is closed to the press, is being held at the Shorewood home of attorney Jay Urban, who said the event is expected to raise about $75,000. About 200 people were to attend.

Well, la-dee-da. La-dee-da.

That's a nice chunk of change to raise just for showing up for an evening of visiting with friendly people.

Urban said Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who has endorsed Obama, was to attend, along with his wife, Kris, who was to introduce Michelle Obama. In addition, Urban said Gov. Jim Doyle, who has remained neutral in the Democratic presidential primary, was to attend, along with First Lady Jessica Doyle.

I was wondering where Barrett has been hiding out.

He seems to surface for gun control meetings held out of state and for Obama fund-raisers. And he'll call a high profile news conference to assure and calm city residents when there's a tornado watch. It's not often that he shows his face.

But since Barrett officially declared himself to be on the Obama bandwagon, it makes complete sense that he would attend.

Doyle even made an appearance. Big stuff. In the past, he's claimed to be serving as a goodwill ambassador, welcoming all campaigning Dems to the state, showing no favoritism.

Although Doyle's word is worthless, I believe him about that. I don't think his attendance has more significance beyond the state's top Dem showing up at these elite fund-raisers to greet potential nominees. I don't take it to mean that he's endorsing Obama at this point.

However, it is a little weird for Doyle to take time to be at an event with just the spouse of a candidate present, not including possible First Gentleman Bill Clinton.

I think Doyle is probably doing some schmoozing of his own and courting donors to his cause. Perhaps some of Doyle's Indian gaming buddies were at the Obama event. Who knows?

It's too bad that the fund-raiser was closed to the press.

Barrett and Doyle don't come out of their lairs very often. It would have been an opportunity for reporters to ask them some questions -- crime, taxes, that sort of stuff.

I guess where there's money, there's politicians. They're attracted to it like moths to a flame.

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