Michael Moore made a return trip to the Tonight Show on Thursday night.
It was only a month ago that he visited with Jay Leno to hawk SiCKO.
Is it Leno that wants to shill for Moore or is it Moore that wants to appear with Leno?
I thought it was a rerun at first because Moore had just been on the show so recently.
Anyway, Moore began yapping about all the weight that he's lost. He also vowed to lose a pound a week and return to the Tonight Show in a year down 52 pounds.
He also said that since the film came out, people email him about their problems with hospitals and doctors.
Moore tells the people to threaten the doctors that they'll be exposed by Moore. He claimed that the people's problems are resolved quickly using that tactic.
After that he whipped out a "Michael Moore SiCKO health care card."
He urged everyone to go to his website and get one.

Download the PDF of the card below and follow these simple guidelines:
1. Carry the card in your wallet with your insurance card.
2. If denied treatment, show your SiCKO card to your doctor/insurer.
3. Ask your insurer if they'd like to be in Michael Moore's next movie, DVD, or appear on MichaelMoore.com.
4. Tell them that, if denied, you will seek coverage from your local media.
5. E-mail your story to michael@michaelmoore.com.
Celebrity Testimonial:
"There's nothing like a little blackmail." -- Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC's Hardball on the 'SiCKO' Health Care Card
It's not surprising that blowhard Chris Matthews would endorse blowhard Michael Moore's stunt.
What a racket! "E-Mail your story to michael@michaelmoore.com."
In the next segment, Moore talked about some of his personal medical experiences. He had has appendix removed a couple of years ago. Supposedly, the doctor told Moore that when he was about to begin the surgery the doctor told a nurse to remove a framed picture of President Bush that was hanging on the wall.
He claimed that the doctor said he couldn't perform surgery on Moore with George Bush watching.
Moore told the story in all seriousness.
What a bunch of BS!
What operating room has a framed picture of a U.S. president hanging on the wall?
That story sounded as concocted as Moore's films.
He blathered on. I thought after two segments Moore's time was up.
Leno gave him a third segment. That almost never happens. Even A-list guests usually get two segments.
Comedian Orny Adams was scheduled to appear but was bumped to make room for more of the massive Moore.
The final segment was pretty much devoted to the 9/11 rescue workers he said are being denied care in the U.S.
He brought three of them that he used in SiCKO with him to the show; and they were seated in the audience. When he introduced them, they stood up as the rest of the audience cheered.
For the film, he took the workers to Cuba so they could receive the health care that detainees at Gitmo are getting.
Isn't that clever?
Then came the shocking news!
Moore announced that he had received a subpeona from the Bush administration for traveling to Cuba. How dramatic!
He whined about being the victim of harassment. Poor baby.
He yapped on and on about the need for universal health care (AKA socialized medicine).
Moore was acting like he was Mother Teresa and selflessly caring for the sick.
Leno seems to worship the quaking ground that Moore walks on. He literally gave the show over to Moore on Thursday.
I am so SICK of Moore blabbing about how great socialized medicine is and what a saint he is.
Why can't he go to Cuba and stay there?
He'd be so happy there and I'd be a lot happier here.
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