Saturday, August 4, 2007

Mark Green, Ambassador to Tanzania

Late on Friday, Mark Green was confirmed to be the new ambassador to Tanzania.

And John Kerry was once again confirmed to be a... jerk. (That term isn't my first choice, but it will suffice.)

Kerry was the... jerk on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that put a hold on the nomination of Mark Green.

In spite of overwhelming bipartisan support for Green, Kerry chose to obstruct Bush's choice.

At the 11th hour, Kerry backed down.

WASHINGTON -- The Senate confirmed former Rep. Mark Green as the new ambassador to Tanzania by unanimous agreement late Friday.

The action was among the last items the chamber finished before adjourning until Sept. 4.

Green's nomination had been in limbo for most of July because of a hold or block by Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass.

Kerry relented Thursday night after meeting with Green and considering the bipartisan support of the Wisconsin delegation for the former Republican lawmaker.

The Massachusetts Democrat had objected to the Bush administration nominating a political appointee like Green to a post he believed should be filled by a career diplomat.

...Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Middleton, and chairman of the Foreign Relations subcommittee on African Affairs, supports Green's nomination and has called Green better qualified than his two predecessors, both political appointees.

Feingold, Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Milwaukee, and all eight Wisconsin House members have backed Green's ambassadorial bid citing his volunteer teaching in East Africa and his involvement in issues that affect Africa and developing nations while he was a member of the House International Relations Committee.

Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Barbara Lawton, a Democrat, also announced support for Green's nomination although the Hobart Republican ran an unsuccessful campaign last year against her and Gov. Jim Doyle.

Kerry's decision to end his objections to Green is the latest development in what was supposed to be a non-controversial nomination. Ambassadorial nominations to posts in Africa don't normally attract much attention, but Sen. Christopher Dodd, another Democratic member of the Foreign Relations Committee, placed a hold on Green in June.

This was such a sleazy move by Kerry. What a loser! He really is a loser.

Some Wisconsin Dems had the decency to support Green's nomination. It's a shame that the atmosphere in Washington has become so poisonous that simply doing the right thing, like supporting Green, has become noteworthy.

I think it's disgusting that the haughty Kerry wouldn't end his hold until he met with Green and was pressured by Wisconsin Democrats.

Talk about an abuse of power!

Congratulations to Mark Green, ambassador to Tanzania.


From, Mark Green statement on confirmation:

I am excited about this opportunity to serve our country in an important part of the world. Tanzania is an key ally and a good friend of the United States. I am very grateful to the president for giving me this chance to continue my public service.

My confirmation was only possible because of the steadfast friendship and support I received from so many good people. In particular, I want to thank Senator Feingold, Congressman Ryan, the entire Wisconsin congressional delegation, and other leaders from both sides of the aisle for their hard work and help.

On a personal note, Sue and I are thrilled about returning to a region where we lived and taught some 20 years ago. I can't wait to get back to Tanzania and to get back to work for the American people.

That's a very nice statement. Green is a classy guy.

Part of me wishes Green had issued a statement like this:

It's about time my nomination was confirmed.

I'm exceedingly qualified for the position. Nonetheless, John Kerry tried to kill my nomination.

He made a fool of himself and I hope leaders from both sides of the aisle take note.

I hope the American people see Kerry for what he is: a major league... jerk.

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