Get enlightened: Go inside "The Cult."Ronstock '08
"First we're spaming the polls, now we're spaming the audiences. lol"
"Get in there and add some comments. Her rant should not be allowed to stand unchallenged. No registration required."
The Republican presidential wannabes spent this Sunday morning participating in a debate aired live on ABC. It was an exteneded version of This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Naturally, Stephanopoulos moderated the debate.
"Real Americans" asked the questions. The format was reminiscent of the YouTube debate, without the goofiness factor.
I didn't watch the whole thing, but I watched enough to note that whenever Ron Paul said anything the auditorium erupted in cheers.
What did that indicate? It revealed that nearly every person in the country supporting Paul decided to attend that debate.
I definitely prefer a zero tolerance policy when it comes to applause at political debates.
When cheering is not kept in check, the atmosphere becomes more Jerry Springer than serious discussion by presidential candidates.
Although supporters of each candidate applauded with approval after their man spoke, Paul's group seemed disproportionately louder and more obnoxious.

Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, stands at the podium prior to the ABC News Republican presidential debate at Sheslow Auditorium on the campus of Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, on Sunday, Aug. 5, 2007. (AP Photo/Kevin Sanders)
Of course, the Iraq war was addressed. And of course, Ron Paul was utterly clueless. He's even worse than some Democrats on that issue.
When it comes to matters of foreign policy, he's more naive than Barack Obama, and that's saying a lot.
Mitt Romney got in a good line about Obama. It was scripted, not an off-the-cuff remark, but it still was good.
Romney said:
"I mean, in one week he went from saying he's going to sit down, you know, for tea, with our enemies, but then he's going to bomb our allies. I mean, he's gone from Jane Fonda to Dr. Strangelove in one week."
I wonder if Hillary Clinton's campaign forwarded Romney that line.
Anyway, back to Iraq...
QUESTION: If you were president, what would be your strategy for ending the war in Iraq?
RON PAUL: Just come home. We just marched in, we can just come home. We went in there illegally. We did not declare war. It's lasting way too long. We didn't declare war in Korea or Vietnam. The wars were never really ended. We lose those wars. We're losing this one. We shouldn't be there. We ought to just come home.
Good grief.
He has the depth of understanding of a fifth grader. No, that's being unfair to fifth graders.
He speaks with the wisdom of a drunk in the gutter. No, that's being unfair to drunks.
I think Paul is intoxicated with his cult status. He gives his followers what they want and what they want is sheer lunacy.
"Just come home"?
That's insane. Truly.
Look at ABC's unscientific poll on the winner of the debate.
I'm shocked! Ron Paul ran away with it! The public adores Paul.
He's a real contender to be the nominee.
What a joke!
I would vote for Hillary before I'd cast a vote for Ron Paul.
Thank God it will NEVER come to that. No chance. No way.
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