Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took the stage at Columbia University to a blistering welcome from the president of the school, who said the hard-line leader behaved like "a petty and cruel dictator."
Ahmadinejad smiled as Columbia President Lee Bollinger took him to task over Iran's human-rights record and foreign policy, and Ahmadinejad's statements denying the Holocaust and calling for the disappearance of Israel.
"Mr. President, you exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator," Bollinger said, to loud applause.
He said Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust might fool the illiterate and ignorant.
"When you come to a place like this it makes you simply ridiculous," Bollinger said. "The truth is that the Holocaust is the most documented event in human history."
Ahmadinejad rose, also to applause, and after a religious invocation, said Bollinger's opening was: "an insult to information and the knowledge of the audience here."
"There were insults and claims that were incorrect, regretfully," Ahmadinejad said, accusing Bollinger of offering "unfriendly treatment" under the influence of the U.S. press and politicians.
Yeah, right.
The suggestion that Bollinger said what he did because he was pressured by the libs that rule the press is laughable.
If there's any pressure on him, it's coming from some alumni and people who write checks to the university. Federal, state, and local officials threatening to "defund" the university got Bollinger's attention. Money talks.
Ahmadinejad is nuts.
Much of what's said in the U.S. press and by U.S. politicians is indistinguishable from many of Ahmadinejad's lines.
Shameful, but true.
If by chance libs were genuinely disturbed by Ahmadinejad and what he had to say, perhaps they need to do a little soul searching. Make that a lot of soul searching.

He's here.
Not everyone is happy about it.
Some defend him. I won't.
The Iranian president, in his own words:
"The Zionist regime is the standard bearer of invasion, occupation and Satan."
"With God's help, the countdown button for the destruction of the Zionist regime has been pushed by the hands of the children of Lebanon and Palestine. By God's will, we will witness the destruction of this regime in the near future."
"Israel is destined for destruction and it will disappear soon."
"Today, it has been proven that the Zionists are not opposed only to Islam and the Muslims. They are opposed to humanity as a whole. They want to dominate the entire world. They would even sacrifice the Western regimes for their own sake. I have said in Tehran, and I say it again here - I say to the leaders of some Western countries: Stop supporting these corrupt people."
"There is no doubt that the new wave (of attacks) in Palestine will wipe off this stigma (Israel) from the face of the Islamic world."
"Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury, (while) any (Islamic leader) who recognizes the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world."
"As the imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map."
"We ask the West to remove what they created sixty years ago and if they do not listen to our recommendations, then the Palestinian nation and other nations will eventually do this for them."
"Do the removal of Israel before it is too late and save yourself from the fury of regional nations."
"Some 60 years have passed since the end of World War II. Why should the people of Germany and Palestine pay now for a war in which the current generation was not involved?"
"We say that this fake regime (Israel) cannot not logically continue to live," he said.
"Despite the barbaric and criminal nature of the occupiers of Jerusalem, the regime and its Western supporters do not even have the power to give Iran a nasty look."
"Behold, the rage of the Muslim peoples is accumulating. The rage of the Muslim peoples may soon reach the point of explosion. If that day comes, they must know that the waves of this explosion will not be restricted to the boundaries of our region. They will definitely reach the corrupt forces that support this fake regime."
What a guy!
Ahmadinejad's propaganda arm, the Islamic Republic News Agency, reports on his New York visit:
The Iranian nation favors peace and sustainable security based on justice and spirituality, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Sunday after his arrival in New York.
Speaking to IRNA at the hotel of his residence, the president said Iran had a clear message for the world and effective solutions for the present international problems.
"We believe that sustainable peace does not mean to impose tranquility. We believe that the world can be run much more better than the present situation. We can avoid wars, threats, bloodshed and hostilities," said the president who is here to attend the UN General Assembly on Tuesday.
Criticizing the present "inhuman acts" at the international scene and the existing "unfair relations" imposed by certain countries on other world states, the president said, "All nations like to have friendly ties with each other."
Referring to the mounting pressures against Iran, President Ahmadinejad said, "They (certain powers) cannot damage the ties between Iranian nation and other countries because nobody believes them for their wrong behavior and impolite approach towards other nations.
"They have no friend in the world," noted the president.
Stressing that Tehran "is not concerned," President Ahmadinejad added, "Our strategy is very clear. We say that justice should be for everyone and everybody should be equal before the law. No one is priveleged to others and no one has the right to impose his ideas on others.
"No one has the right to use force in international relations, occupy others' lands or resort to terrorism. These are the clear stands of the people of Iran and this course will continue," stressed the president.
AP reports:
Before leaving Iran, Ahmadinejad said the American people have been denied "correct information," and his visit will give them a chance to hear a different voice, the official IRNA news agency reported.
Ahmadinejad has appealed to the American people before, distinguishing between the population and their government. Recently, he told a television show that Iran wants peace and friendship with America.
That's not consistent with this:
"Today, it is the United States, Britain and the Zionist regime which are doomed to disappear as they have moved far away from the teachings of God. It is a divine promise."
I may be going out on a limb here, but I don't think Ahmadinejad shares our definition of "peace and friendship."
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