He's also an opportunist.
From TIME's Swampland:
I know this is old news, but this guy is shameless. The headline, with a photo of a three-quarters crazed Hillary, is HEALTH INSURANCE PROOF REQUIRED FOR WORK but the linked story says this:At this point, we don't have anything punitive that we have proposed," the presidential candidate said in an interview with The Associated Press. "We're providing incentives and tax credits which we think will be very attractive to the vast majority of Americans."
She said she could envision a day when "you have to show proof to your employer that you're insured as a part of the job interview — like when your kid goes to school and has to show proof of vaccination," but said such details would be worked out through negotiations with Congress.
How stupid does he think we are? Answer: Extremely dumbolic.
First, Klein the opportunist--
Klein throws up a short, Drudge-bashing post and it generates hundreds of comments, most criticizing Drudge, conservatives, and "neoncons."
Klein is riding the coattails of Drudge. That's pretty pathetic.
Second, Klein the hypocrite--
He calls Drudge "shameless" for supposedly putting a misleading headline on his website.
Where does Klein get off criticizing Drudge for a headline that's open to interpretation?
Klein and his lib media cohorts LIE all the time. They repeat falsehoods ad nauseam.
Klein is the shameless one.
However, he is on the right track when it comes to the libs and stupidity.
Many of us think, make that know, that they are "extremely dumbolic."
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