Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Batty Barbara Boxer

Barbara Boxer doesn't seem able to control herself at hearings.

The woman flips out, says irresponsible things, and verges on being downright abusive.

She's the female version of Russ Feingold.

Two gems from Boxer yesterday:

BOXER: Please, General, I ask you, please, don't do what you did in '04 when you painted a rosy scenario in an op-ed piece, turned out to be wrong, like you did in '05 when you told us, and we believed you, that the Iraqis were just about there, they were going to take over their own defense. And please consider that others could be right. The Brits, General Casey, controller general, Lee Hamilton and Tom Kean, who just wrote in an op-ed piece that our presence in Iraq is recruiting terrorists for Al-Qaeda. Listen to the Iraqi people; the American people; the majority of the Congress.

BOXER: I get letter after letter asking me how long we'll be in Iraq. I tell them it depends on who the president is and how many votes there are in the Congress to change course -- and as for my own views, I tell them this war is the biggest foreign policy mistake ever. It took our eye off defeating the terrorists led by Osama Bin Laden who killed our people six years ago today; the greatest mistake because it strained our military, our National Guard. In California, gentlemen, we are short 50% in our equipment to respond to an earthquake, and the secretary of the army said we'd be in trouble if there was a major earthquake. The greatest mistake because we've lost so many of our own and so many are wounded who we will be dealing with for years and years. It breaks our hearts, all of our hearts. The biggest mistake, because we've lost the support of the world -- when we had the whole world in our hand after 9/11.

First, "the whole world" was NOT "in our hand after 9/11."

Second, the Islamic extremist world is reveling in her words and those of her Democrat colleagues.

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