Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dennis Kucinich: Odd Man Out

Dennis Kucinich is having a banner September.

After cozying up to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad and giving a "Hanoi Jane"-style interview on Syrian TV, Kucinich refused to vote for a resolution to commemorate 9/11.

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Democratic presidential candidate and no stranger to contrarian views, was the sole congressman Tuesday to vote against the House's Sept. 11 commemoration resolution.

Tuesday's nonbinding resolution was a relatively short document. It had 12 "whereas" clauses — stating things like what happened the day of the terrorist attacks, who was affected and how terrorists have been targeted since then — and six resolution paragraphs establishing Sept. 11 as a day of remembrance, extending sympathies to families of victims who died and honoring those who have fought in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"It is important that Congress wake up to the truth and exercise its obligation under the Constitution to save our nation from being destroyed from the lies that took us into Iraq, the lies that keep us there, the lies that are being used to set the stage for war against Iran and the lies that have undermined our basic civil liberties here at home," Kucinich said in a statement.

"The September 11 resolution that Congress considers today should have made reference to those matters. It does not, so I cannot support it," Kucinich said, also calling for a halt for further war funding and the troops to be brought home.

He was outvoted 334-1. Ninety-eight members weren't present; for the most part, they were either attending Sept. 11 commemorations or the out-of-town memorial service for Ohio Rep. Paul Gillmor, or they had departed town early for the Jewish holidays.

...Kucinich said he memorials those who died in the attacks as well as troops in the field, but opposed the wording of the resolution.

"I honor the memory of those who died on September 11 and extend sympathies to their family members and to those who lost their lives trying to save lives. I support the troops," Kucinich said in the statement he issued before casting his vote.

What is Kucinich doing???

Is he vying for the title of the most destestable twit in Congress?

This Democrat who wants to be President of the United States objected to signing on to a nonbinding resolution to establish September 11 as a day of remembrance.



Roll call vote

(h/t Captain's Quarters)

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