The libs and their media are in a frenzy over Sally Field being censored at the Emmys, supposedly for her anti-war speech.
From the Los Angeles Times:
"If mothers ruled the world, there wouldn't be any god -" Emmy winner Sally Field said before the Emmycast cut off her sound and pointed the camera away from the stage so viewers would be distracted. Chopped off were the words "god-damned wars in the first place." (The phrase was not censored in the Canadian telecast.)
"This belongs to all the mothers of the world - may they be seen and valued," she added when she won best actress in a drama series for her work as matriarch Nora Walker on "Brothers & Sisters."
The Lefties are charging that Field's was censored because of her anti-war statement.
That's nuts.
Ray Romano was censored. He wasn't talking about the war in Iraq or President Bush.
His "joke" didn't get on the air because someone determined that his language crossed the line of decency.
Censors responded when Katherine Heigl reacted to her win with an expletive; and you had to be able to read lips to pick it up since her comment was inaudible.
There was nothing political about that.
So Field gets on stage, appearing to be under the influence of something, and the Lefties are blaming the Right-leaning FOX for censoring her comments about the war.
That's ridiculous. Her choice of words was the issue, not the content of her speech.
To suggest otherwise is paranoid.
Of course, some Lefties are paranoid.
Fox is Fox, just like pigs is pigs. What did you expect???
I'm not completely surprised, given that it was on FOX. But holy crapoli! This is America for goodness sake! We American's are supposed to have that little right referred to as our FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!!
You can agree or disagree with dear Sally Field's comment, but Censorship is absolutely evil.
How dramatic!
This wasn't about censoring political speech, not even close.
It's a live broadcast. If it hadn't been, an appropriate bleep for the offensive language would have been used.
Field's has been on TV long enough (decades and decades) to know about standards and practices.
Her little speech would have aired in its entirety if she had managed to watch her language and the world would have heard her embarrassing rant in all its glory.
It's completely unfair to accuse FOX of something sinister here, but I expect nothing less from the Left.
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