Friday, October 5, 2007

Oak Creek Homecoming Queen Without a Crown

Oh, what can it mean
To a daydream believer and a homecoming queen?

The lead story on TMJ4's 10:00 PM newscast:
The Oak Creek homecoming queen was stripped of her crown after she was arrested for underage drinking at the homecoming dance.

Police say the 17-year-old girl was allegedly telling friends at the dance she had an alcoholic drink before the dance. Police say her blood alcohol level was .04 to .05.

School officials say a second homecoming election will be held and photos of the new homecoming court may be shot for the school yearbook.

A lot of people find this so surprising because this is not the type of student you’d expect to be in this kind of hot water. After all, she is the homecoming queen and an honors student who police say made a stupid decision.

Her arrest is the talk of Oak Creek.

The ex-queen isn't just the talk of Oak Creek.

It's considered big enough news to get covered by at least three Milwaukee TV stations.

I think that's a little strange.

In the grand scheme of things, is this really such an important story?

I would expect it to be front page stuff in the Oak Creek school newspaper, but that's about it.

Students and parents alike were shocked to learn that an honor student, star athlete and newly elected homecoming queen was arrested for being tipsy at the homecoming dance.

“Our teacher told us some chick got drunk and she got busted for it and she was the homecoming queen and now my friend Katie Mossuck is the homecoming queen,” student Yami Romich said.

According to the police report the homecoming queen told a friend that she’d been doing shots of Jager before she came to the dance. A friend told a teacher, who told police and when they tested her, her blood alcohol level was .04, almost half the legal limit.

"A friend told a teacher."

Obviously, the Stop Snitchin' Movement hasn't made it to Oak Creek.

Police arrested the queen and officials at Oak Creek High suspended her and stripped her of her title. The girl's parents were at the school to see their daughter crowned. They had to go to the police station to pick her up.

The girl should have known better than to drink.

She knew that all eyes would be on her, the homecoming queen.

And her parents were at the school!

To say it was a serious lapse in judgment is putting it mildly.

Still, I don't see why this story should be getting all this attention outside of Oak Creek.

It's not like the girl drove drunk or vandalized the school or had sex with a faculty member.

She was tipsy at the dance and was busted. I think it was right to strip her of the crown. The school cannot in any way condone underage drinking.

There's no question that it was really stupid on her part to drink, but I think this widespread public humiliation is a bit much.

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