Thursday, December 6, 2007

Tim Michels for Huckabee

Tim Michels, 2004 Republican nominee to run against Sen. Russ Feingold, is on the Mike Huckabee bandwagon.

In a fundraising letter, "From the desk of...Tim Michels," he writes:

I write today to introduce you to the only true conservative running for President of the United States....

Everywhere I go, I still hear from frustrated Republicans that there is no candidate on the ticket that they feel represents their beliefs. I believe that Mike Huckabee not only has the conservative credential we are looking for but also possesses the leadership qualities that we need in a President in these difficult times AND has a chance to win!

...A tremendous surge has already started for Mike Huckabee and I ask you join us and keep the momentum going.

...P.S. I urge you to make a contribution today in support of the true conservative among the Republican Presidential candidates. Mike Huckabee is that man and he deserves our full and immediate support.

No disrespect to Michels, but is he the most high profile Republican that Huckabee could find to endorse him in Wisconsin?

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