Thursday, January 10, 2008

Madeleine Albright and Democracy

Once again, Madeleine Albright and Charlie Rose engaged in a "Blame America First" fest.

She was Rose's guest yesterday, plugging her latest screed, Memo to the President Elect: How We Can Restore America's Reputation and Leadership.

It still boggles my mind that some people worship this inept woman. I can't believe she's considered credible. Listening to her, I can't believe that she served as the U.S. Secretary of State.

She's such a partisan hack and so anti-American.

As usual, Rose asked an idiotic, loaded question: "Has our focus on democracy led to anything other than us feeling good about ourselves?"

Albright said, "The bottom line is I happen to believe in democracy, and I think that countries are better off if people can make their own choices about their leaders."

But she went on to bash the idea of free elections.

Albright explained:

"On the democracy issue... democracy at the moment has a bad name because it's identified with military force. And it looks as though you impose democracy. I think we need to get back to where we support democracy.

Then, I think, the other issue out there is how to mitigate some of the worst parts of globalization and the gap between the rich and the poor, and then to deal with issues of environment and energy, all of which require incredible international cooperation. And that's what the next president has to do."

Good grief.

Only Jimmy Carter can outdo Albright when it comes to bashing the Bush administration and America.

Democracy has a bad name?


It's not the last, best hope of man on Earth?

If democracy is so bad then why are people from every corner of the world coming to America?

Albright says democracy is identified with military force rather than liberty.

How dare our military men and women impose freedom on oppressed people and fight tyranny!



Watch the interview here.

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