Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Butler FINALLY Concedes

Alas, there were no loopholes for Louis Butler.

So, over twelve hours late, incumbent Butler admitted that he lost his Supreme Court seat to Mike Gableman.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

In conceding defeat today, state Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler blamed an election system corroded by negative TV ads from outside groups - and warned the environment will grow worse unless the Legislature enacts reforms.

Butler lost in yesterday's election to Burnett County Judge Michael Gableman, becoming the first sitting justice to lose a seat on the court since 1967. Butler did not comment last night, as results came in showing Gableman a narrow winner.

Butler spoke today at the Milwaukee County Courthouse, where he served time as a judge before being appointed to the high court by Gov. Jim Doyle. Butler called on Doyle and lawmakers to enact reforms.

"I implore them to act and act now," Butler said, flanked by local judges and courthouse officials. "We cannot continue to see elections like last year and this year and expect people to maintain their faith in the system.

"If we rob them of that faith, we rob them of justice."

In a brief appearance before reporters, Butler said he was proud to have not run any negative ads ("Somebody has to uphold the dignity of the office") and said he had given no thought to what comes next, other than finishing out the term.

...He did begin by saying: "I'd like to respectfully acknowledge the will of the voters."

There's a Bill Clintonesque loophole:

Butler said, "I'd LIKE to respectfully acknowledge the will of the voters."

It's possible that he'd "like to" respect the will of the voters but he doesn't. He thinks he was robbed.

In his brief statement, he seemed to be saying that the slimy attack ads duped the voters and pushed him out of his comfy seat.

I disagree with Butler's assessment. I give the voters more credit. They understood Gableman's judicial philosophy and Butler's judicial philosophy. They rejected Butler's activist, legislate from the bench brand of justice.

"Butler said he was proud to have not run any negative ads ('Somebody has to uphold the dignity of the office')...."

Once again, I hear echoes of Bill Clinton. Technically, Butler may not have gone negative. However, it's an utter sham for Butler to act as if he can completely wash his hands of the barrage of negative ads that ran against his opponent.

It was "the deep-pocketed third party groups."

Do you think if Butler had won, he'd blame those groups for Gableman's loss?

Butler is playing the victim.

It was an ugly campaign on both sides. I'm glad it's over. I'm glad Gableman won.


Butler's prepared statement.

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