Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Kohl's Pre-election Victory Lap

I really don't watch that much TV. Nevertheless, I feel like I'm being bombarded with Herb Kohl ads. Whenever I am tuned in to something, Kohl's mug shows up.


Why is Kohl running those goofy spots? What's the purpose, other than to tick off Republicans?

The one about gas prices continuing to go through the roof is particularly annoying, especially since prices have dropped -- A LOT.

The ads are a total waste.

There's no reason for him to be campaigning. He's running virtually unopposed.

Kohl should not be spending a dime on advertising.

He should put his TV ad money to better use, something that would really help Wisconsin. There are many worthy charities that could benefit from the personal funds that he's wasting by buying TV time.

There's no need whatsoever for Kohl to act like he's being challenged. He's not.

The ads are an exercise in narcissism.

They really, REALLY bugs me.

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