Monday, October 30, 2006

Liberal Racists: The Blackface Gallery

Wolf Blitzer
Artist: Billmon
(Image from
NewsBusters and Hot Air )

Noel Sheppard of NewsBusters posts that the libs are employing their racist tactics again.

He writes:

Daily Kos alumnus Billmon...has used Photoshop to disparagingly blackface someone. In this case, the proprietor of the Whiskey Bar blog has likened CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer to a minstrel...all due to the Situation Room host's reference to Lynne Cheney. The following is taken directly from Billmon’s blog entry on October 29:
BLITZER: I have been covering the Cheneys for many years, including on a day-to-day basis when he was the defense secretary during the first Gulf War and I was CNN’s Pentagon correspondent . . . I was surprised when she came out swinging on Friday, surprised . . . at her sniping at my patriotism.

Wolf Blitzer
CNN Late Edition October 29, 2006

Translation: Oh Lawdy! Massa's wife so mad she even beatin' on us house slaves now. What dis ol' world comin' to?

Why do these libs get a pass when it comes to their overtly racist behavior?

The Washington Post went bonkers for days because George Allen said, "Macaca."

Allen's alleged use of the N-word became The Post's obsession.

Granted, Billmon isn't a candidate for the Senate. The fact that he created a despicable photoshop image isn't worthy of any publication's front page.

However, the Left's racism is definitely a pattern worth noting and should be reported by the oh so enlightened, tolerant liberal media.

Other instances of Leftist creativity:

Michael Steele -- "I's Simple Sambo and I's running for the Big House"
Artist and caption author: Steve Gilliard

"Joe Lieberman"
Artist: Jane Hamsher, posted on The Huffington Post

There are so many examples of the Left's glaring racism.

Here are a few more:
--USA Today doctors a photo of Condoleezza Rice.

--Condoleezza Rice is belittled on a math final at Bellevue Community College.

--Michael Steele is labeled an Uncle Tom and pelted with oreos.

--Former Milwaukee Alderman Michael McGee spews anti-Semitic remarks on the radio.

--Clarence Thomas is deemed "a black man who deserves an asterisk" by The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

--Trey Ellis plays shrink in a racist attack on Claude Allen. hosts anti-Semitic remarks about Joe Lieberman.

--Chris Matthews repeatedly employs ethnic stereotypes to refer to Joe Lieberman.

The fact is a thinly-veiled bigotry routinely runs through the Left's commentary.

Leftists fail to condemn anti-Semites like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan.

They fail to condemn Howard Dean, Joe Biden, Robert Byrd, Hillary Clinton, etc., for their racial and ethnic slurs. Catholic-bashing is a favorite pastime for them.

Nevertheless, the Left puts on a holier-than-thou attitude and paints the Right as racist.

Go figure.

I guess it's true that the Democratic Party really is a "big tent party."

Racists are welcome, as long as they are radical Leftists.

I'm quite confident that the creator of a blackface Nancy Pelosi image would NOT be sheltered by the Dems' tent.

Strong elements of racism permeate the Left. That is the ugly truth.


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