Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jimmy Williams, Grover Norquist, 'Butt Buddy'

The liberal media are really going off the deep end lately, particularly MSNBC.

Civility is out the window.

On the Dylan Ratigan Show, panelist Jimmy Williams, a Democrat lobbyist, referred to Grover Norquist as Newt Gingrich's "butt buddy."


JIMMY WILLIAMS: One person is controlling the agenda of the United States of America right now and his name is Grover Norquist.

Grover Norquist was Newt Gingrich's butt buddy. He was Jack Abramoff's close friend and laundered money from Native Americans. He charged people $25,000 a pop to go to a Bush White House signing ceremony. He is a petty criminal. And he's made just about every single member of the House of Representatives on the Republican, not the Tea Party, the Republican side, and almost all Republican senators sign a pledge saying that they will never ever for the rest of their lives raise taxes.

I need to know, first of all, do we have on the Left a Grover Norquist? And if we don't, why not?

I don't think it's appropriate for a panelist on a televised news program to use such a crass term as butt buddy.

MSNBC is really a mess.

There is a lack of decency. It's vulgar stuff. This level of discourse at the cable network reflects horribly on NBC News. This gathering place for Leftists is a disgrace.

I know they're desperate for ratings and they're trying to appeal to the fringe Left, but how low are they willing to go?

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