Monday, July 11, 2011

Rob Cowles Threatened

According to an unnamed prominent Green Bay-area business leader, Republican Wisconsin State Senator Rob Cowles was "threatened" by Gov. Scott Walker's office.

Cowles was told that if he didn't vote for the Budget Repair Bill, the administration would run a Tea Party candidate against him.

This was reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Dan Bice, union member.

He tosses out charges against the Governor's office without naming the accuser.

Bice provides quotes from the "prominent business leader" that literally puts words in Cowles' mouth.

Bice makes the case that although he doesn't name the "prominent business leader," he's not anonymous.

The Green Bay-area business leader, who has not given campaign money to Democrats or Republicans, contacted No Quarter last week and spoke on background, meaning the paper knows the individual's identity. But the leader asked not to be identified by name in the Journal Sentinel because doing so would hurt the person's business and industry relationships.

Poor baby!

Being identified would hurt the leader's business and industry relationships.

Then why contact Bice?

The leader probably was confident that Bice would run the story that puts Walker's office in a negative light without expecting the leader to go on the record.

The Journal Sentinel knows the leader's identity.

So what?

Let the public know who is making the accusations or don't run the story. This is just gossip.

Very Bice.


UPDATE: Cowles fires back at Milwaukee report of intimidation
State Senator Rob Cowles is firing back at a story in the Milwaukee-Journal Sentinel which alleges Governor Walker threatened to put up a Tea Party candidate against him, if he didn’t vote for Walker’s bill to limit public union bargaining.

"There was never any effort by the governor's office to intimidate any of us," the Allouez Republican says. "There were some aspects of the process that some of us didn't like, but there was never any effort to threaten us with any primaries, the whole story is a fabrication."

The paper says Cowles made the remark when he called a prominent Green Bay area business leader to seek support in his recall election next month.

Columnist Dan Bice said the business leader asked to stay anonymous. But the person quoted Cowles as saying “I didn’t like this bill, either … I didn’t like being put in this position … but the governor’s office told us if we didn’t give them our support, they would run a Tea Party candidate against us.”

...Cowles says it's an effort by national unions to smear him to try and defeat him in the August 9th recall election. He maintains his long-time support for the budget repair bill.

"When the private sector has been bludgeoned by this difficult recession, the public sector has to be part of the solution," Cowles says. "That bill brought some fairness between the government sector and the private sector."

Cowles rips Bice's story to shreds.

That's gotta hurt.

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