Kevin Fobbs of News Talk 1400 WDTK is leading a national pledge drive: Terri's Day -- A Celebration of the Culture of Life.
On February 16, Terri Schiavo's father, Bob Schindler, was a guest on The Kevin Fobbs Show. He announced the "launch of an initiative to annually honor the memory of Terri Schiavo, as well as celebrate the 'Culture of Life,' by gathering pledges from every state in the nation to respect the Culture of Life. "
What is Terri's Day?
It is the celebration of the culture of life as well as celebrating the woman who sacrificed her life for this cause.
What does the preservation of the culture of life mean?
To take a stand and protect life. Life is precious and we should treat it that way.
Why are we holding this event?
To celebrate Terri Schiavo and to support making a living will, highlight media responsibility, and encourage individuals and families to get involved in culture of life activities and events.
Why is celebrating the culture of life so important to our society?
Pope John Paul II talked of the culture of life over the culture of death and that he felt that it was important specifically to draw America’s attention to the culture of life. We are celebrating to make people aware that what happened to Terri could happen to anyone, and through awareness we can honor Terri and ourselves by signing a pledge to support culture of life activities and events.
Why celebrate Terri's day now?
The anniversary of Terri’s death is March 31st and we are honoring her life. Her legacy has taught us how to value life as God’s precious gift.
How does this celebration affect my community?
This celebration is a lesson to teach communities how to value its citizens, neighbors, the disabled, loved ones, and family and friends. Terri’s legacy would have us all volunteering with the Special Olympics, helping out in hospital wards or nursing homes, or otherwise becoming involved by breaking the cycle of uncaring and lack of consideration for people who are differently-abled.
How can I be a part of Terri's Day?
Volunteer to help with Terri’s Day event preparation, and day-of-event activities, or become a sponsor or sign the pledge. For more information, see KevinFobbs.com
Is this a political issue?
This is not a right or left issue, but a human issue. People on both sides of the isle support this issue.
How can I sponsor Terri's Day?
Fill out a sponsor sheet and donate to Terri's foundation through National Urban Policy Action Council (NuPac).
Will the day become a national day?
Download the Hold the Date flyer to be able to share information with your friends or supporters of a Terri’s Day – A Celebration of the Culture of Life event.
Download and sign the Pledge to honor Terri’s memory as well as honor what former Pope John Paul II called the “Culture of Life” by pledging six simple things:
1.Obtain a Living Will – View The Will to Live Project at www.terrisfight.org
2. Encourage your state legislature and governor officially to establish March 31st as "Terri’s Day"
3. Encourage Hollywood and the media to embrace Culture of Life stories and movie themes
4. Support families to spend time pursuing “Culture of Life” events that honor some aspect of the culture of life
5. Support establishment of state network of professional volunteers to assist Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation in each state
6. Support the Schindler Schiavo Foundation to establish a health care facility for brain injured patients
View the Resolution of Support which will be circulated to legislators and governors in every state so they support designating March 31st as Terri’s Day.
See the information sent to the news in the Press Release.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST! To get involved yourself you can do one of three things for now: You can host a Home Party to Celebrate the Culture of Life and raise funds to help make Terri’s Day a reality, you or your organization or firm can purchase an Event Sponsorship Package at a variety of package levels, or you can Volunteer to help put together the Terri’s Day event or even volunteer on the day of the event only.
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