Accordingly, Smith scored an appearance on ABC's This Week.
George Stephanopoulos drooled all over him for breaking ranks with President Bush on Iraq.
On Friday, Smith took to the floor of the Senate and said:
I, for one, am at the end of my rope when it comes to supporting a policy that has our soldiers patrolling the same streets in the same way being blown up by the same bombs day after day. That is absurd. It may even be criminal. I cannot support that any more. I believe we need to figure out not just how to leave Iraq but how to fight the War on Terror and to do it right.
What a great man!
In the libs' world, Smith gets it. He's a Russ Feingold clone!
On This Week, Smith was joined by the TV omnipresent Joe Biden.
(By the way, did you know that hair plugs are rarely used anymore as a procedure to combat hair loss? The results were not aesthetically pleasing.
Also, I think Steph is dyeing his hair. I have no proof, but his hair has that Robert Goulet black shoe polish look.
I digress. I digress because I can't look at Biden without being distracted by the plugs.
If Biden was stupid and vain enough to be suckered in by the promise of hair plugs, I have to question Biden's judgment about other matters.)
Anyway, Smith and Biden ripped the President for his Iraq policy.
Steph fed off of their criticism.
Biden called Bush naive.
Smith called himself the Mark Hatfield of his era.
Hatfield was a Republican senator from Oregon who vigorously opposed the Vietnam war. In 1970, he allied with George McGovern and called for a withdrawal of troops from Vietnam.
No wonder the Left and lib media personalities like Stephanopoulos are thrilled with Smith.
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