Here's another glaring example of liberal racism.
It's also an example of the Old Media's reluctance to cover a story that is clearly newsworthy.
Finally, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel was shamed into covering Alderman Michael McGee's use of racially offensive imagery on WNOV 860 AM.
The JS ignored what conservative bloggers and Milwaukee conservative talk radio hosts were talking about for days. They offered commentary and audio clips of Alderman Michael McGee making highly offensive, racist remarks. The Old Media pretended not to notice.
As far as I know the Old Media still haven't addressed McGee calling Barack Obama, presumptive President of the United States, a n***er. Given the fact that every move Obama makes is being chronicled, you'd think that such a disparaging reference made by a city of Milwaukee African-American elected official would be news.
McGee is facing a recall election, yet the Old Media give him a pass on such disgraceful behavior.
I'd say that's dropping the ball. I'd say that's putting it mildly.
The JS eventually did get around to noting that McGee was being criticized for comments he made on the radio. It was posted at 2:58 pm on Tuesday.
Greg J. Borowski writes:
Milwaukee Ald. Michael McGee faced strong criticism today from political opponent ViAnna Jordan over saying on the radio yesterday that a black leader should be "hung" for supporting Jordan's recall effort against McGee.
At issue is a statement made by McGee yesterday on WNOV-AM (860) radio in which McGee said Leon Todd, a former School Board member and mayoral candidate, has "got to be hung, you know, straight up, for his betrayal of the community."
It's embarrassing that The JS took SO long to get any mention of the controversy posted on its website.
NBC affiliate TMJ4 also finally found time to cover the story, reporting it on its television newscasts Tuesday evening.
Watch the TMJ4 report and listen to the audio of McGee's WNOV radio appearance here.
McGee said:
"It's really important that we identify from the Mayor's office to the Election Commission to Leon Todd, who we definitely going to get after him, he got to be, you know, hung straight up for his betrayal of the community."
Leon Todd, like McGee, is African-American.
The lynching imagery that McGee resorts to is certainly not befitting an elected official from an area where violent crime is rampant.
It would be shocking if anyone but McGee said it. For him, it's typical stuff; but that's still no excuse for the Old Media's hesitancy to make the story known.
In Wednesday's edition of The Journal Sentinel, there's more extensive coverage by Borowski.
He writes:
At issue Tuesday were comments McGee made Monday on WNOV-AM (860) radio in which McGee said Leon Todd, a former School Board member and mayoral candidate, has "got to be hung, you know, straight up, for his betrayal of the community."
McGee, who is also black, refused to answer questions from reporters Tuesday at a meeting of the Common Council.
After the meeting, the first-term alderman left the council chamber and, walking away from reporters, simply unrolled a poster of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. It is unclear what message McGee was trying to send, though in the past McGee has expressed solidarity with Chavez, a vocal critic of President Bush.
When told of McGee's comments by a reporter, [ViAnna] Jordan said: "That's the caliber of representation you receive. That's what our tax dollars are going for. . . . That is utterly ridiculous. I expect more from him than that."
She said McGee owes Todd an apology.
Todd said he was not surprised by the comment, or other statements made by McGee and supporters.
"He has gone right to why the recall is happening," said Todd. "This is totally irresponsible rhetoric for an elected official. He should apologize to the people of his district, forget about Leon Todd."
What was McGee doing with a poster of Hugo Chavez?
Did he just happen to be carrying that around with him?
Obviously, McGee came prepared with props. He knew that he'd be facing the media.
Rule #1: When reporters ask questions that you don't want to answer, unfurl a poster of a wackjob and remain silent.
How weird!
I suppose McGee thought that he was off the hook. So many hours had passed since he spouted his hate-filled comments; and he's never really been called on his offensive rhetoric, certainly not by his constituents.
That's changing.
The recall effort makes it difficult for the lib media to completely dismiss what Jordan has to say about McGee. They can't deny that it's news. They tried, but thanks to talk radio and the blogosphere, it became clear that there would be no avoiding it.
If the recall is doing anything, it's putting McGee in a position where he's coming under more scrutiny and being held accountable for his actions. Well, he's not really being held accountable, not by the lib media and not by his constituents -- not yet.
Thanks to the efforts of conservative bloggers and talk radio hosts, the Milwaukee press has been forced to take note. At least McGee is being questioned about his racism and asked to offer an explanation to the public.
McGee's non-response, showing off his nutcase Venezuelan leader poster collection, is fittingly bizarre.
I guess we shouldn't be surprised that McGee called Obama a n***er, nor should we be surprised that he thinks Leon Todd should be "hung straight up."
It's disturbing, but that's McGee and that's his supporters.
Is it any wonder the central city of Milwaukee is such a mess?
People like Jordan and all those speaking out against McGee are trying to be part of the solution, not add to the problem.
Has Mayor Tom Barrett commented on what this racist elected official has to say, or has Barrett gone back to hiding in his lair?
Barrett's silence is part of the problem.
Everyone should be troubled that the media tried to give McGee cover. They, too, are part of the problem.
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