Madeleine Albright was back for yet another interview on Charlie Rose's show.
Rose treated her as if she were infallible. I find that just plain goofy.
Of course, Rose gave Albright ample opportunity to criticize President Bush and attack the administration's foreign policy.
Going to Albright for perspective and wisdom on U.S. foreign policy is as ridiculous as turning to Jimmy Carter for advice on how a president should handle a hostage crisis.
Albright tossed out plenty of gems.
On the War in Iraq:
"Iraq in many ways has shown the limitations of our power."
"This has put into question what American power can achieve."
"It was a badly implemented use of American power."
"I think [Iraq] is a disaster."
Albright, fan of Kofi Annan, was doing her best to slam Bush and his administration and take America down a few notches in the process.
She did go into CYA mode, trying to account for all the statements she made during the Clinton era about the danger that Saddam Hussein posed to us and to the world.
Albright said, "I actually believe that there were weapons of mass destruction...but I didn't think they were an imminent threat."
Albright directly countered one of the favorite talking points of her comrades on the Left -- Bush LIED about WMD.
She clearly said he did not lie. She believes Saddam had them.
Regarding the war, Albright said, "I understood the why. I didn't understand the why now and the what next."
Albright declared, "It was a war of choice, not of necessity."
Was Bosnia a "war of necessity"?
She babbled about terrorism as Rose pitched ultra-soft softball questions.
"We can't take sides in this."
"We don't know enough about Muslims. We can't be in the middle of that."
"Islamofacism – bad word."
It's precisely that sort of "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" approach to terrorism that serves to foster terrorism.
Albright was commenting on the insurgency in Iraq, but her argument that ignorance about Islam means that we should disengage is just nuts.
On the Iraq Study Group:
"I think it has great value."
"But everything's a little late."
"What I have a problem with is we are sinking fast here."
"It moves in generally the right direction."
"Talking to one's enemies is a good idea."
Albright complained, "The neocons and the far Right called it surrender."
She was quick to toss the "neocon" label out and point fingers at what she called the "far Right."
Rose didn't say anything about Albright being a lib or on the far Left, or about her being weak on terror.
I really didn't expect him to point that out. In fact, I would have been shocked if he did.
Why is what this woman has to say given any credence at all?
The clueless Albright is no foreign policy genius. She proved that.
What did her eight years serving in various capacities for the Clinton administration, and her four years as Secretary of State get us?
The simple answer:
More specifically:
Repeated terrorist attacks, on American soil and American interests abroad.
A strengthened al Qaeda.
A nuclear North Korea.
A Bosnia quagmire, meaning no exit strategy there.
Why listen to Albright?
I can't imagine.
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