Question: Was the Iraq Study Group report delivered by God to President Bush on Mount Sinai?
It's been given the status of being chiseled on stone tablets.
Meet the Press was an Iraq Study Group orgy this morning.
Co-chairs James Baker and Lee Hamilton were Tim Russert's guests.
Baker and Hamilton gladly played their Moses roles.
After their segment, the roundtable analyzed the report as if they were dealing with Sacred Scriptures.
Baker and Hamilton also preached on FOX News Sunday.
They were followed by Chris Dodd and Sam Brownback to discuss the report and Iraq. It was a Bible study group.
Republican presidential nominee hopeful (I think it's hopeless) Brownback made an effort to distance himself from the President's "failed Iraq policy," showing shades of Gordon Smith.
The FOX roundtable also debated the report as if they were determining the validity of the Ten Commandments.
I should mention that Baker and Hamilton apppeared on CBS' Face the Nation, too. (My reaction to Face the Nation is always the same -- Is that still on?)
Why is the Iraq Study Group report being given such tremendous authority?
I don't think it's warranted.
Question: Will copies of the Iraq Study Group report be allowed to be posted on public property?
I don't know. I think it might be a violation of the separation of churh and state.
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