Kramer: It's a Festivus miracle.
Life is good for Michael Richards.
Seinfeld was on the air for nine seasons.
I wonder how many people, even regular viewers of the show, knew the name of the actor who played "Kramer."
My guess is relatively few.
It took an out of control racist rant and a massive PR effort to get his real name plastered everywhere, but Richards now has an identity beyond "Kramer."
Richards continues to feed at the publicity trough.
He's not a has-been anymore, condemned to spend eternity in a "Kramer" limbo.
He's joined the ranks of the infamous and bizarre. And he didn't have to go on The View while drunk or go without underwear and willingly submit to crotch photographs.
Don't you think it's weird that our society rewards people for behaving badly?
I do.
The Kramer, I mean Richards, saga continues:
LOS ANGELES -- Michael Richards will apologize in person to the four black men he targeted in a tirade of racial slurs during a recent comedy club performance.
A retired judge will mediate the meeting and determine whether he should take any other action to resolve the matter, Richards' spokesman and an attorney for the men said Friday.
A cash settlement could be part of the resolution, said Howard J. Rubenstein, who represents Richards.
"My client Michael hopes to put it behind him," Rubenstein said.
A time and place for the meeting has not been set.
Rubenstein complimented attorney Gloria Allred, who is representing the four comedy club patrons, for recommending the meeting.
Allred said Richards should meet with her clients "to hear the pain that he inflicted on them and to apologize to them."
What is with this "retired judge" stuff?
I don't get it.
Why must the judge be retired?
What is that about?
From the first that I heard of Allred's plan to have a meeting before a retire judge, I've thought it was crazy.
If Allred and her clients want to file suit, then they should file suit in a court of law.
This "Judge Judy"-type route seems like such a stunt.
A friend of mine predicts that the intent is to tape the proceedings and sell it.
It's possible.
While I think the four "damaged" men are shaking down Kramer, I mean Richards, it seems to me that everyone involved seem to be enjoying themselves.
Everyone wins.
Jesse Jackson gets what he lives for -- media attention.
Al Sharpton gets the same -- media attention.
Gloria Allred gets what she loves -- media attention.
Michael Richards gets what he's after -- media attention.
Kyle Doss, Frank McBride, and the other two victims may get what they want -- money.
And to top it off -- Sales of Seinfeld Season 7 are through the roof.
America -- The Land of Opportunity.
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