Abedin Taherkenareh/European Pressphoto Agency
Iran is hosting a conference on the Holocaust.
It's not really a conference. It's more of a circus of anti-Semites.
From the Islamic Republic News Agency:
A French scholar George Tail said on Tuesday that holocaust does not exist.
"The motivations of the advocates of holocaust in spreading the rumour and its presentation as a fact should be investigated," said Tail in an interview with IRNA on the sidelines of the International Conference on Holocaust, Global Perspective.
Tail said western states have fabricated holocaust to justify immigration of Jews to Palestine and doing injustice against the the Palestinian nation.
He said a number of scholars such as Rossener, Artur, Isak Arbuz and Robert Faurisson have proved falsehood of gas chambers.
"When there is no gas chamber, there is no Holocaust," he added.
Basically, that's the consensus at the conference. The Holocaust is a myth created and perpetuated to justify the persecution of Palestinians.
I don't believe that Jimmy Carter thinks the Holocaust is a myth, but his anti-Israel stance would fit in well at the conference. I wonder if after his appearance on The Tonight Show yesterday he flew to Tehran for a book signing.
Iranian president Mahmoud Adhmadinejad spoke at the conference today. He declared Iran to be an oasis of "free-thinking." That means a place where people are free to express their hatred for the Jews.
Also from the IRNA:
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad here Tuesday said that thanks God the curve of Zionist regime's life is on the decline adding that this is a divine promise and will of world nations.
Addressing the International Conference on 'World Vision on Holocaust' in Tehran, the president said that today nations are seeking justice and worship God Almighty.
"Those having supported the Zionist regime during their lifetime, should be aware that its lifetime will be over and their interests as well as reputation will be endangered.
"Just as the ground was prepared to assign such a regime, the Zionist regime will be overthrown by its supporters," he added.
Underlining that such a measure by West will be to the benefit of world peace, he hoped that proponents of the Zionist regime will respond positively to this human call.
The president said that the world problems can be solved friendly and rationally in a calm atmosphere.
Addressing the bullying powers, the chief executive called on them to cooperate and present real peace to the humanity.
Talking to the guests attending the conference, he noted, "Iran is your house and the house of world free-thinkers, where everyone can fully express themselves in a brotherly, peaceful, free and calm atmosphere and exchange views with others."
Ahmadinejad hoped that once the participants of this conference return to their homelands, their governments will not bother them, but rather show that they respect freedom.
That truly disgusts me.
I can't stand it when Ahmadinejad talks as if he's a man of peace.
Once again, he is predicting that Israel's days are numbered.
Peace = No Israel in the Middle East.
The gathering of Holocaust deniers offered praise for Ahmadinejad. Meanwhile, condemnation about the conference is pouring in from around the world.
Participants at a conference questioning whether the Holocaust took place praised Iran's hard-line president on Tuesday, saying the gathering gives them the chance to air theories casting doubt on the Nazi genocide that are banned in parts of Europe.
International condemnation continued to pour in against the government-sponsored conference in Tehran, which has drawn Holocaust deniers from around the world.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair said it was "shocking beyond belief" and called the conference "a symbol of sectarianism and hatred."
He said he saw little hope of engaging Iran in constructive action in the Middle East, saying, "I look around the region at the moment, and everything Iran is doing is negative."
The United States, which also condemned the gathering, has been considering whether to open a dialogue with Iran to get its help in calming neighboring Iraq. President George W. Bush has so far refused to approach Iran, accusing it of backing terrorism.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad initiated the two-day gathering, which began on Monday, in an attempt to bolster his image as a leader standing up to Israel, Europe and the United States — an image he has used to whip up support at home and abroad.
..."Ahmadinejad's Holocaust comment opened a new window in international relations on this issue. Twenty years ago, it was not possible to talk about Holocaust and any scientific study was subject to punishment. This taboo has been broken, thanks to Mr. Ahmadinejad's initiative," Georges Theil of France told conference delegates on Tuesday.
...Michele Renouf, an Australian socialite supporter of "Holocaust skeptics," called Ahmadinejad "a hero" for opening a debate about the Holocaust. Renouf, a blonde former beauty queen, addressed the audience wearing a green robe and Islamic headscarf, abiding by Iranian law requiring women to cover their hair.
..."This conference has an incredible impact on Holocaust studies all over the world," said American David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan leader and former state representative in Louisiana.
"The Holocaust is the device used as the pillar of Zionist imperialism, Zionist aggression, Zionist terror and Zionist murder," Duke told The Associated Press.
Even though I've heard the words of plenty of Holocaust deniers, including on U.S. college campuses, their words still shock me.
Arthur Butz, a professor at Northwestern University, maintains a website touting his theories on the Holocaust hoax.
A year ago, Butz said, "I congratulate [Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad] on becoming the first head of state to speak out clearly on [the Holocaust being a deliberately contrived falsehood] and regret only that it was not a Western head of state."

These people are nuts.
The president of Iran is a nutcase.
Isn't that apparent?
How are we supposed to negotiate with Iran?
How can people be so naive that they believe that real progress toward peace can be made by talking with madman Ahmadinejad?
It would be like working out a deal with someone who's certifiably insane.
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