Tuesday, June 5, 2007

No Pardon for Libby?

Is it The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Editorial Board or Michael Moore, or MoveOn.org, or the Democratic Underground?

It's hard to distinguish.

"Begging no pardon," the JS Editorial Board makes an absurd assertion.

This statement itself isn't absurd; but it's absurd coming from the Board: "Truth matters."

That's hilarious.

Of course truth matters. It certainly doesn't matter to the JS Editorial Board.

Libby deserves every second of the 2 1/2 years in prison to which he was sentenced in the case involving his role in leaking the identity of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame. He lied to a grand jury and to FBI agents.

What's unclear, however, is whether the public ever will get the complete truth in the matter.

As the successful conviction of Libby essentially demonstrated, there was a concerted effort to discredit Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson. To those involved, Plame and her career were apparently just collateral damage.

Wilson was the former ambassador who went public in refuting administration claims that Iraq had sought yellowcake uranium to build a nuclear weapon.

Libby could not have worked alone in this discrediting effort. But he is the only one charged in the three-year investigation on who leaked Plame's name to reporters. On Tuesday, Fitzgerald said Libby's obstruction may have helped shield another administration official.

Who? Yes, the truth matters. For that and other reasons, the president should resist any temptation to pardon Libby.

This is a regurgitation of the same lame Plame talking points we've heard for years now.

Joe Wilson isn't a hero. Valerie Plame isn't a victim. They're Democrat hacks.

The Board's conspiracy theory that "Libby could not have worked alone in this discrediting effort," is laughable.

What a bunch of wing-nuts!

I can understand President Bush letting the appeal process play out for Libby, but he should refuse to allow Libby to spend any time in prison. An immediate pardon would be in order if it gets to that point.

Because the truth matters.

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