Saturday, June 2, 2007

Target JFK

The storm clouds part. The sky turns blue. The sun comes out. It’s a glorious early summer Saturday.

What’s this?

Terror plot?

Target JFK?

That’s post-9/11 America.

Two points about this thwarted plot:

--Suspect Russell Defreitas isn’t Arab. He isn’t young. He is MUSLIM.

This news makes the War on Terror deniers, such as political opportunists like John Edwards, look like idiots. Worse, it reveals just how dangerous it would be to allow Dems to control Congress and the White House.

War on Terror?

What War on Terror?

It’s a slogan, a bumper sticker.


Such irresponsible talk, favorite lines from the Dems, can get thousands and thousands of Americans killed.

Of course, Dems like Hillary Clinton, are using the thwarted plot to try to score political points by criticizing the Bush administration for not having tougher screening policies.

Typical Dem slime.

United against our enemies we don’t stand.

This news also makes PATRIOT Act opponents like Russ Feingold look utterly clueless. They’re doing the bidding of our enemies.

How are some Bush-hating and loony libs responding to the JFK plot?

They deny the danger and claim that it’s the Bush administration that’s plotting to scare Americans.

Bush, rather than Defreitas and his cohorts, is characterized as the enemy.


I’m talking to you, Russ Feingold.

There is no question that radical Islam is the enemy of America.

Muslim extremists have been at war with us for years.


That’s right. There was a war going on during those halcyon days of Bill Clinton’s administration. Who knew?

Clinton and his administration certainly didn’t act like they knew.

It’s important to remember that Bush did NOT start this war.

Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld did NOT start this war.


Another thing that bugs me:

Guyanese activists are speaking out, worried about a backlash.

Is there any evidence that Guyanese are being persecuted by Americans?

It drives me nuts. It happens all the time. Whenever some terrorist plot is unveiled, a plot thwarted or carried out to fruition, there are always people that whine about a backlash.

It’s ironic that these whiners complain about a rush to judgment.

Who’s rushing to judgment?

Not the American people.

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