Apparently, Oprah Winfrey interviewed Bill Clinton on her Tuesday show.
Didn't see it. I never watch Oprah.
Clinton is on a book tour, promoting his latest, Giving.
Odd title. When I think of Bill, I tend to associate "taking" with him.
Anway, after Oprah, Bill showed up on TV again, this time as David Letterman's Tuesday night guest.
Bill and Dave began by talking about their heart health.
Then, Bill spoke about Africa and watching female lions going after warthogs while the male lions watched.
Of course, he talked about Hillary and campaigning for her.
He said that when they first met, he thought Hillary should be the politician. He said that she laughed and laughed. Memories.
Yeah, well.
I choked when Bill said that as a former president he can say whatever he wants.
I thought of the horrible way that he's conducted himself, breaking with the tradition of refraining from pointedly criticizing the sitting president.
Now, because Hillary is running for president, he said he has to watch what he says.
He acted like the whipped husband, carrying out Hillary's orders. "Don't make news. Don't make news. Don't make news."
I couldn't stomach it when he started plugging his new book.
There was something so hypocritical about this incredibly selfish man preaching about giving.
I get the feeling that Giving is part of a carefully orchestrated effort by the Hillary camp to redefine Bill.
He's no longer the one being served, but the one advocating service.
Maybe he has changed. Maybe he's not as self-centered, egomaniacal, self-aggrandizing, gluttonous, narcissistic, pompous, and vain as he used to be.
I don't know. I wasn't very interested in what he had to say. My mind was wandering during the interview.
I can't imagine him filling the role of "First Laddie."
Can you picture Bill playing that part, staring at Hillary adoringly, and all that?
Can you picture them getting on Air Force One, with Bill boarding first and Hillary following, being the one to give the final wave?
It would be so weird; and it has nothing to do with a woman being the president and a man being the "First Laddie."
It's them. They're the problem.
I don't want another term of the Clintons.
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