This woman wants you to know her.
Muskego teen John Orlando's victim, 20-year-old Christina Buehler, gave an EXCLUSIVE interview to FOX 6 News. She talked to Chris Goodman about her ordeal.
Watch it here.
I don't know why Buehler would agree to do an interview. Perhaps she wanted her 15 minutes of fame.
Goodman asked point blank why she stayed with Orlando for two years although he had been violent before.
She simply said that she didn't think it would get that bad.
That's not a good answer.
She talks about the day of the attack. She tells of how she had sex with Orlando in his room and how he "cuddled" with her and how he was "so nice" to her.
Then, the 17-year-old Orlando's parents left for work and "all hell broke loose."
So, Buehler and Orlando are having sex while his parents are still in the house. OK. That's a little weird.
Also weird, after the torture, she spent the rest of the day with Orlando.
Buehler claims Orlando threatened her to stay quiet about what happened.
She tried but broke down later, telling her mother and brothers. Buehler didn't want to go to police but her mother insisted.
Now, Buehler is glad she reported the incident to the police.
It appears that Buehler wants to be some sort of role model for abused women, getting on TV to tell her story, hoping others will have the courage to get out of violent situations like her.
Buehler gave advice to other abused women. She said, "Get out while you can. I thought he wouldn't get that bad. If you think they're not that bad right now, get out while you can."
I don't know. This just doesn't add up. There's something very "Jerry Springer" about this.
There are a number of strange twists.
Katrina Cravy pointed out that Buehler had the opportunity to leave Orlando's house. In fact, he had locked her out.
To explain her return to the house, Buehler said Orlando was acting strange at that point but he hadn't become violent with her yet.
If convicted, Orlando faces up to 32 years in prison.
Buehler was a victim, but did she also victimize?
Cravy asked Goodman about the possibility of 20-year-old Buehler being charged with statutory rape because she admits to having sex with the 17-year-old.
He said that Muskego police say they aren't referring any charges. That would be up to the district attorney.
Bottom line:
Buehler did the right thing by going to police.
She did the wrong thing by having sex with a 17-year-old.
Will the district attorney give her a pass on that?
Would the district attorney give a 20-year-old male a pass on having sex with a 17-year-old girl?
Both Orlando and Buehler made some very bad choices.
Note: Sometimes the media either don't get or choose not to give out all the details of a story. I wrote this post when the story broke, based on the details of the case available at that time in early September. My reaction to it needs to be taken in that context.
A few points about the above post and the one about Christina Buehler:
1. I clearly stated that I was NOT defending Orlando. He's charged with four felonies.
2. Katrina Cravy of FOX 6 brought up the issue of statutory rape.
3. Katrina Cravy of FOX 6 questioned why Buehler would go back into the house after Orlando LOCKED HER OUT.
4. Some people have argued that Buehler suffers from a syndrome as well as emotional and/or cognitive delays. Do these conditions render her incapable of exercising her free will with sound judgment?
5. I believe that both Orlando and Buehler made bad choices.
6. Unlike Orlando, Buehler has not been charged with any crimes.
7. I said that I found the details of the case to be nauseating. I'm NOT being an advocate for Orlando or diminishing the plight of abused women.
8. I said that I have sympathy for the abused woman (Buehler).
9. According to the complaint, Orlando performed horrific, criminal acts on Buehler.
10. According to the complaint, Buehler is responsible for going back into the house after he LOCKED HER OUT.
In addition to holding me accountable for a "faulty assessment," perhaps it's appropriate to hold Katrina Cravy and FOX 6 accountable for raising issues about Buehler's character in its VERY public forum.
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