Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Foiled Again

"It is now clear that George Bush's misnamed 'War on Terror' has backfired — and is now part of the problem. The War on Terror is a slogan designed only for politics, not a strategy to make America safe. It's a bumper sticker, not a plan."

--John Edwards

Another day, another terrorist plot foiled in that fake War on Terror....

People don't seem to get too riled up about thwarted terrorist plots.

It's as if they take their safety for granted. They seem oblivious to the ongoing threat of Islamic extremists.

BERLIN -- Three suspected Islamic terrorists from an al-Qaida-influenced group nursing "profound hatred of U.S. citizens" were arrested on suspicious of plotting imminent, massive bomb attacks on U.S. facilities in Germany, prosecutors said Wednesday.

German Federal Prosecutor Monika Harms said the three, two of whom were German converts to Islam, had trained at camps in Pakistan run by the Islamic Jihad Union, a group based in Central Asia. They had obtained some 1,500 pounds of hydrogen peroxide for making explosives.

"We were able to succeed in recognizing and preventing the most serious and massive bombings," Harms told reporters.

Harms declined to name specific targets, but said the suspects had an eye on institutions and establishments frequented by Americans in Germany, including discos, pubs and airports.

...On Tuesday, Denmark's intelligence service said it thwarted a bomb plot and arrested eight Islamic militants with alleged links to senior al-Qaida terrorists.

Ziercke said that although there were similarities to the group arrested in Denmark on Tuesday, no direct connection between the two had been established.

The Tuesday arrests in Denmark sent jitters through a country that was the focus of Muslim anger and deadly protests over the cartoons. Jakob Scharf, head of the PET intelligence service, said that the eight suspects arrested were "militant Islamists with connections to leading al-Qaida persons."

The European Union's top justice official said Wednesday that the threat of a terror attack remained high in the 27-nation bloc. EU Justice and Home Affairs Commissioner Franco Frattini said the EU executive would push ahead with plans to set up an EU-wide airline passenger data recording system despite privacy concerns.

"The threat of new terror attacks continues to be high," Frattini said, citing Spain, Italy, Belgium, Britain and Germany as countries where the risk has been the highest.

The foiled attacks should be a sobering reminder that the Democrats and their allies aren't capable of waging the War on Terror.

Democrats like Russ Feingold have actively worked to undermine U.S. efforts to prevent attacks.

Media outlets like The New York Times splash details about programs to combat terrorism.

Journalists like Brian Ross of ABC have wallowed in reporting "secret information."

Here's a newsflash: There is a War on Terror. The threat is real. Some Americans aid and abet the enemy.

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