Friday, September 7, 2007


On Friday, we heard Osama bin Laden complaining about the Democrats in Washington.

He said:

"People of America: the world is following your news in regards to your invasion of Iraq, for people have recently come to know that, after several years of tragedies of this war, the vast majority of you want it stopped. Thus, you elected the Democratic Party for this purpose, but the Democrats haven't made a move worth mentioning. On the contrary, they continue to agree to the spending of tens of billions to continue the killing and war there."

Yes, bin Laden is pretty ticked off at those Dems. They control Congress, yet they've done nothing that's worth mentioning to stop the war in Iraq. Anyway, that's how bin Laden sees it.

Bin Laden should take note of Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore. At least she wants to retreat from Iraq and do what bin Laden wants.

It just so happens that Moore was not traveling today.

She wasn't in Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, Morocco, Uganda, Belgium, England, Spain, the Ukraine, Egypt, Israel, or Lebanon.

Believe it or not, she was actually in Washington; and she had a message for her colleagues.

From WisPolitics:

Congresswoman Gwen Moore spoke on the House Floor today to stress the need for a change of course in Iraq. Below are Rep. Moore’s remarks.

“Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

“I am compelled to come before the body today to talk about my deep concern about our continued engagement in Iraq.

“In the past four and half years, we’ve gone from “mission accomplished” to mission untrue, and in the words of one our colleagues here on the Republican side, to mission unknown. In fact, we are arming and fueling this growing civil war.

“We have found Shiite on Shiite violence, Sunni on Sunni violence, Shiite on Sunni violence – Our troops have no idea what the mission is anymore. I would submit, Mr. Speaker, that this is mission impossible.

“It is time to bring our troops home.

“Just recently, we have found that 190,000 weapons are unaccounted for. There are plenty of weapons in the Department of Interior -- the Ministry of Interior has come to be a police force against our own troops.

“With that, Mr. Speaker, I yield back my time. We need to bring our troops home.”

According to Moore, the situation in Iraq has moved from mission accomplished to mission untrue to mission unknown to mission impossible.


She claims that the troops don't know what the mission is anymore.

Is it that they don't know what to do, or is it that the troops didn't have the ability to protect the Iraqis, as the dishonorable Sen. Chuck Schumer said?

Moore's comments aren't as disgusting as Schumer's remarks, but both lawmakers are saying that our troops aren't getting the job done in Iraq.

Moore clearly states that the U.S. is "arming and fueling this growing civil war."

That's nice. She's saying that our troops are doing more harm than good.

Other than stating that the troops should come home, Moore didn't give any concrete plan, no specifics as to how to bring them home.

See, that's the sort of thing that is upsetting bin Laden. The Dems' rhetoric is not enough. Bin Laden wants to see results.

He's frustrated with the Democrats. Moore and her party are going to have to do more than she's doing to keep him happy.

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