I thought after Rosie O'Donnell had performed her hissy fit swan song and permanently left the show that Barbara Walters would rein things in a bit and restore some order.
Far from it.
Mary Ann Akers writes about Nancy Pelosi's appearance on The View Tuesday. Pelosi's husband Paul had the misfortune of being in the audience.
[T]he welcome House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got today on ABC's chick TV show "The View" was more than warm - it was downright steamy.
Even before Pelosi walked on stage to take her seat at the round table, the show's moderator, Whoopi Goldberg, and its co-hosts - with former news anchor Barbara Walters leading the pack - started flirting with the speaker's husband, Paul, who was seated in the front row.
"You wanna take a look at Nancy Pelosi's handsome husband?" Walters asked the audience. Yes, came the answer in the form of whooping and hollering.
Poor guy was actually blushing.
...Whoopi got the pleasure of introducing Speaker Pelosi....
But Walters was still stuck on Mr. Pelosi, unfortunately for Mr. Pelosi. And this is where a little blushing turned to a Code Red alert, four-alarm fire.
Trying to shout over Whoopi and her other gabbing co-hosts and excited audience members, Barbara turned to Guest Pelosi and said she has heard Whoopi say before that she'd "do Paul Newman."
"And I think she'd like to do your husband as well," Walters deadpanned in that quintessential accent that made her the subject of late-night lampooning over the decades.
What is with Barbara Walters?
Goldberg said she'd "do Paul Newman." I don't know why Walters saw fit to bring that up. Still, that was nothing. What followed was hard to believe.
With a shocking degree of crassness, Walters says to Pelosi, "And I think she'd like to do your husband as well."
That would be offensive under any circumstances. It's even more disturbing that Walters would talk that way on national TV to Speaker of the House Pelosi, with her husband sitting right there.
What has happened to Walters?
She was a pioneer in the field of journalism, blazing the trail for women.
She's interviewed incredible people -- Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin, and Fidel Castro to name a few.
Yes, Walters has always been a bit of a nut, but she usually maintained some semblance of dignity. When she's on The View, however, she seems to unleash her inner sleaze. Yuck! It makes me cringe.
At 78, I don't know why she's choosing to spend the twilight of her career destroying her place in broadcast journalism history with such garbage.
Rather than ignore Walters' extremely inappropriate comments, Goldberg builds on them.
...Yes, Whoopi implicitly acknowledged, she'd like to do Mr. Pelosi - but she might take his wife while she's at it. "I would do her as well. But we should wait on that because you're still in office, I don't want to cause a problem."
Even assuming that this was just meant to be humorous, that doesn't excuse the level of discourse.
And while Goldberg certainly is responsible for her comments, it was the supposedly refined, professional Walters who initiated the conversation.
What an embarrassment!
Such a complete lack of decorum!
Pelosi and her husband were shown The View from the gutter.
Very inappropriate.
If Pelosi can just laugh off such disrespectful treatment, then there's more wrong with her than I suspected.
Watch here.
It's also pretty pathetic that the Left rails on Elisabeth Hasselbeck for supposedly being rude and "interrupting" Pelosi during a discussion on the surge in Iraq, while they ignore the off-color introductory exchanges about "doing" the Speaker of the House and her spouse.
From the Huffington Post:
"The View" co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck tried to convince Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) that the escalation of U.S. forces in Iraq was "a success."
During a discussion on the war, Pelosi asked the View-ers, "How much longer should our troops sacrifice their lives when the government of that country is not willing to make the political change necessary?"
But Hasselbeck interrupted. "How can you turn your head at the percentage of deaths that have gone down, when in the past, people have been quick to jump on? If there was a surge in deaths, they would say, 'this surge is a failure,' but now we're seeing a reduction in those civilian deaths. And we're giving them the space that they do need for that political change that is happening. In my mind, and I'm sure many others, that it a success."
Pelosi shot back, with loud applause from the audience, "Elisabeth, if I may, with all due respect, there's still a lot people dying."
Video here.
Some comments from Huffington Post readers:
Hasselbitch is the only woman I have ever fantasized about punching in the face
Elisabeth is such an ignorant Stepford wife.
Hasslejerk mentions the deaths down 53%. She didn't mention the deaths are counted differently now to make the numbers look lower. Like a death isn't counted when someone is shot in the back of the head vs the front of the head.
Ah yes, this would be Elizabeth 'Life begins at Penetration' Hasselbeck. 'Nuf said.
Liz is just one of the many, many "Stepford" people that the Right trots out with their lying talking points. You can watch different shows on any given day, and they will be saying the exact same thing.
They are not allowed any original thougt, or to veer from their assigned message for the day.
When will little Elizabeth begin her career at Fox News? Or has she already auditioned, using The View as her resume's centerpiece?
Fox has placed her on the View in an attempt to reach out to Middle America to save them from their Evil Communist Ways.
Why would anyone with a brain watch this crap? Everyone knows Elizabeth Hasselbeck and all the other little breeding Christian idiots just take their cues from Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Rush Limbaugh.
The only thing this woman has ever done (other than make babies) has been competing on Survivor. Barbara Walters is to thank for this garbage; but, after all,old Bar is the biggest whore in television media. Remember the Monica Lewinsky interview? One whore interviewing another one. America--turn off and tune out.
Nancy is talking to a Neocon and to talk to a neocon one must understand that Neocon's are incapable of intelligent debate, they resort to name calling and shrieking. To communicate with a Neocon you must use the KISS method; keep it two words or less and two syllables or less. If at first you fail, keep repeating it louder and louder and slower and slower until they can understand (to combat boredom use their name calling back at them--they won't notice). This may take practice to perfect but considering you're trying to communicate with a rightwinger, they won't notice the repetition. Remember: You can't defeat them intellectually; they have no intellect to defeat.
Did Hasselbacj get her talking points by morning e=mail from the Repug party? She's about as politically credible as an abalone. Can't stand to listen to the sock puppet. Would that she'd go away...far away. Not only that ...she sounds like daffy duck...maybe that's what iritates me a bit, too.
Boy, the repugs send out their demon patrol whenever Pelosi speaks.
Hasselbitch is driving me CRAZY & she's breeding!
Please someone make her go far far away , say maybe IRAQ!
Why isn't Her Husband over there ?
They are such great supporters of this Dictator that they should put on their boots & get their butts over there A.S.A.P.
The truth is I grew up around so many of these cute sexy rich little Republican daddy's girls and they were always the first to put out, so I have a weakness for little Republican sluts sorry but it's true..!
Sexy Republican girls? A few of them may look pretty decent, but they just lay there and make you do all the work, just like their hired help. Try a hot liberal chick if you want some real action.
she IS a complete idiot. Its a damned shame that that moron is allowed to reproduce!!
I stopped watching the view when that rethug piglet became the spokesperson for all rethug pigs.
Hasselbeck is one DUMB BITCH.
She really is stupid and so uninformed. She is given material to read before the start of the show but she really has no clue what the hell is going on. Somebody really needs to quiz this stupid shallow bitch.
So Elizabeth...go raise your bastard child in Iraq.
There are hundreds of comments like this. A few support Elisabeth Hasselbeck, but most are purely ad hominem attacks.
Very, very ugly stuff.
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