Thursday, January 10, 2008

Joy Behar Bashes Catholic Saints

It appears that Joy Behar is taking over where Rosie O'Donnell left off on The View. Behar is stirring up plenty of controversy.

The latest: Catholics were mercilessly bashed AGAIN.

Read a transcript of the gang anti-Catholic rant that took place on October 4, 2007.

On January 9, 2008, the saints of the Catholic Church were in Joy Behar's crosshairs.

From NewsBusters:

According to "View" co-host Joy Behar, those sainted by the Catholic Church are no more than mentally ill individuals who heard voices. On the January 9 edition of "The View" Behar, who considers prayer a "distraction," suggested that there are no longer any saints due to modern medicine.
JOY BEHAR: I’m going to get in trouble for this, but you know what? I have a theory that you can’t find any saints any more because of psycho-tropic medication. I think that the old days the saints were hearing voices and they didn’t have any thorazine to calm them down. [laughter] Now that we have all of this medication available to us, you can’t find a saint any more.

ELISABETH HASSELBECK: I don’t think so, Mother Teresa.

BEHAR: That’s why Mother Teresa had issues. Let’s not forget, she didn’t really believe 100 percent like these saints who were hearing voices. She didn’t hear voices. So the Church said "okay, she does good deeds. Let’s make her a saint." In the old days it used to be you heard voices. They can’t do that anymore.

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: They’d cut your hair off. They’d set you on fire. Don’t forget what they did to Joan of Arc.

BEHAR: Because she was hearing voices.

GOLDBERG: They set her on fire. That’s why people stopped saying anything.

BEHAR: Well it was- no, no, no, in the last century before you had medication, they still were hearing voices. I’m telling you.

Behar wasn't kidding.

The View's audience of sickos laughed, but it was no joke. She meant it.

According to Behar, the saints of the Catholic Church were mentally ill, and there are no modern day saints.

Behar has the right to believe that. She can think whatever she wants.

I have the right to believe that she is wrong about the saints. I think she's intolerant and a bigot.

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