Monday, April 11, 2011

Budget Hearing: State Fair Park

Wisconsin politics has really been off-the-wall in 2011.

We have elected officials acting like utter buffoons.

Dan Bice, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, writes:

This is how you pour gasoline on what is already expected to be an explosive hearing at State Fair Park on Monday over Gov. Scott Walker's proposed budget:

You do what state Rep. Tamara Grigsby did this weekend.

The Milwaukee Democrat accused the leaders of the Joint Finance Committee of taking steps, in advance, to shut down debate early on the budget bill - and then claimed they are doing this because they don't want to be near Milwaukee too late.

"They're scared to death of Milwaukee," Grigsby said. "They don't want to be here
after dark."

Without naming names, she said some of her fellow lawmakers share a "real fear about being in Milwaukee." Asked if she felt the committee leaders were acting on racist concerns, she said, "If it looks like a duck."

Grigsby quickly added, "I didn't use those words," referring to the notions of race or racism.

Joint Finance co-chairman Robin Vos said he was stunned by her remarks, saying Grigsby was leveling a baseless accusation.

First, he noted that the budget hearing, which is scheduled to run from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., is in West Allis, not Milwaukee.

In addition, the Rochester Republican said he and his wife had spent Saturday night at the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee, enjoying a good time in the city after dark.
"People can make up any lies they want," Vos said. "I just think it's stupid."

I have three words for Grigsby: SHAME, SHAME, SHAME.

Suggesting that the hearing is scheduled to allow fearful Republicans to be out of Milwaukee before dark is nuts.

Robin Vos appropriately condemns Grigsby's remarks.

Does Grigsby know that the hearing isn't in Milwaukee?

It's in West Allis.

Does Grigsby know when it gets dark?

On Monday, the sun will set at 7:30 PM.

If the time of the hearing really had something to do with leaders of the Joint Finance Committee "being scared to death" of the city after dark, as Grigsby claims, it wouldn't have to end at 6:00 PM.

EIGHT HOURS of testimony seems more than reasonable.

Grigsby's accusation that fellow legislators are racist, yet refusing to be specific and name names, is unforgivable. She's cruel and cowardly.

I think she's unwilling to be specific because she's lying. It's just more incendiary, over-the-top, crazy rhetoric from the Leftists.

Grigsby should retract her statement and apologize to her colleagues, or she should name the supposedly frightened Republicans.

It's funny that the Democrats are complaining about 10:00 - 6:00 being an inadequate time for the hearing. Just a few weeks ago, thousands of union members, teachers, walked off their jobs to protest in Madison. They didn't hesitate to shut down schools to attend and be heard.

Are we supposed to believe that 6:00 PM doesn't fit into their "schedules"? I don't think so.

...Several unions have events planned at State Fair all day, including a rally beginning at 4:30 p.m.

If union events at State Fair are being held ALL DAY, it certainly doesn't appear that the time of the hearing is a problem.

Bottom line: Spewing poisonous remarks is terribly irresponsible. I guess Lena Taylor and Tamara Grigsby can't help themselves.


Details on the hearing:
What: The third of four budget hearings around the state conducted by the Legislature's Joint Finance Committee.

Where: Wisconsin State Fair Park, West Allis. Expo Center, Hall A. Parking, enter Gate 4.

When: Public comments will be taken starting at 10 a.m. and are expected to continue until 6 p.m.

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