He hasn't abandoned his terrorist, anti-American, subversive past. His mindset is basically the same.
Last week, Ayers was on Larry Elder's radio program. Listen to Ayers, the man who gave Obama his entry into politics:
BILL AYERS: The Weather Underground, indeed, did take responsibility for a handful, maybe a dozen, you know, extreme acts of vandalism. That's true. That's true.
And so compared to what was going on everyday in Vietnam, including the illegal bombing of cities, which John McCain took part in, and he is, of course, a war criminal, as is everyone.
As several people admitted when they came back, including the Vietnam Vets Against the War, war crimes were not a matter of choice. They were a matter of policy - bombing vast stretches of countryside because you had extra ordnance. That's what John McCain did. So he actually killed people. I actually didn't kill people.
Who's the, who's the one who should account for themselves?
Obviously, Ayers doesn't respect the veterans of the Vietnam War. He considers those Americans to be guilty of war crimes.
His efforts to overthrow the U.S. government were just acts of vandalism. He minimizes his role in plotting against America and organizing violence.
From Prairie Fire:
PRAIRIE FIRE is written to all sisters and brothers who are engaged in armed struggle against the enemy. It is written to prisoners, women's groups, collectives, study groups, workers' organizing committees, communes, GI organizers, consciousness-raising groups, veterans, community groups and revolutionaries of all kinds; to all who will read, criticize and bring its content to life in practice. It is written as an argument against those who oppose action and hold back the struggle.
PRAIRIE FIRE is based on a belief that the duty of a revolutionary is to make the revolution. This is not an abstraction. It means that revolutionaries must make a profound commitment to the future of humanity, apply our limited knowledge and experience to understand an ever-changing situation, organize the masses of people and build the fight.
Ayers calls for "armed struggle against the enemy" - America.
How can this "armed struggle" be deemed a legal war?
It's a disgrace that he paints John McCain and Vietnam vets as war criminals while considering himself to be just a vandal.
I wonder if Obama, in his heart, thinks like Ayers. I wonder if Obama agrees that John McCain and Vietnam veterans are war criminals.
We know Obama thinks Iraq is a "dumb war." Does he think Vietnam was a "dumb war," too?
We know that John Kerry, speaking on behalf of Vietnam Vets Against the War, told of war crimes committed in Vietnam.
It's so odd that Kerry wants to be considered a war hero, yet he sounded like Ayers when he testified before the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations in 1971.
According to Ayers, if you served in Vietnam, you're a war criminal. You committed atrocities in an illegal war.
He despises John McCain and Vietnam vets. He doesn't dance around the issue. He voices his anti-Americanism without hesitation.
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