If the truth doesn't fit, make it up. Such is the case with Waukesha County and election results.
Clearly, they aren't happy that more Wisconsinites voted for Justice David Prosser than JoAnne "I'm ecstatic" Kloppenburg.
When it comes to Waukesha County's election history, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Daily Kos and Rick Ungar, contributor to Forbes, latched on to an unreal reality.
Media Trackers explains:
It’s the first rule of journalism: Check the facts and then check them again. So how did the national liberal blog Daily Kos and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel both get it so wrong? Both news outlets published stories that attempted to raise doubts about Waukesha County’s votes in the April 5 election based on past election results that are posted on the Waukesha County Clerk website. The results showed more votes than ballots cast in past races.
What the blog and newspaper failed to tell readers was that the reason for the gap was widely known at the time it occurred – and had nothing to do with failings by Kathy Nickolas or nefariousness that would call the races into question.
Indeed, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel itself explained the discrepancy back in 2006. The problem occurred because two Waukesha County communities used new voting machines that year that resulted in the two towns inability to report all votes electronically. Although there was frustration with slow returns as a result, the election results weren’t questioned, and did get completely reported to the state. The Daily Kos’ “big gap” is a complete non-story, and the Journal Sentinel, missed basic journalism 101 (looking up its own archives) by covering it as such.
Media Trackers goes on to detail the FACTS and concludes:
Despite all archived facts, the Daily Kos, one of the most biased and prominent liberal blogs in the country, still ran this story, even demanding that the Department of Justice investigate. The Journal Sentinel attacked Van Hollen, tying him to Gov. Scott Walker, and implying that the election might have been rigged in Van Hollen’s favor.
Wisconsin liberal blogs picked up the narrative, perpetuating the story, and for some reason the Journal Sentinel highlighted it all. For no reason and with complete disregard to the facts.
It's really disgusting that the Journal Sentinel would disregard its own past reporting.
It's embarrassing for the "professional" journalists of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel to be on the same page as the extremists of Daily Kos. Forbes should be embarrassed for allowing Ungar to regurgitate falsehoods this blatant and post them on its website without a disclaimer.
Hey, PolitiFact!
There are PANTS ON FIRE over here.
Report the FACTS.
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