Trump talked about high gas prices. He talked about his voting record, specifically his failure to vote in primaries. And he addressed Robert De Niro's criticism of Trump for making an issue of Obama's birth certificate.
STEVE DOOCY: Meanwhile here in New York City over the weekend, they've been having the Tribeca Film Festival. The guy who started it, Robert DeNiro, it sounded like he was, he did call you out.
He said, a couple of days ago, quote: 'I won't mention names, but certain people in the news in the last couple of weeks, just, what are they doing? It's crazy. They're making statements about people that they don't even back up.... Go get the facts before you start saying things about people.'
And apparently later he did reveal that he was, in part, talking about you. What do you say to Robert DeNiro?
GRETCHEN CARLSON: With the birther issue.
DOOCY: Yeah.
DONALD TRUMP: Well, he's not the brightest bulb on the planet. I mean, I've been watching him over the years, and I like his acting; but, you know, in terms of, in terms of when I watch him doing interviews and various other things, we're not dealing with Albert Einstein. And, you know, he can say what he wants, but the fact is this guy has not revealed his birth certificate.
A lot of people agree with me. I'll tell you what, with all that I do, what I do best is China, jobs, OPEC, all of this. That's what I do best. That's gonna be my strength. It is my strength. I really understand it. I know the people. But with all of that, I think I get more positive... when I'm walking down the street, when I did, recently I did a Tea Party event, and we had a tremendous crowd. They loved this issue. There are so many people that really want him to provide his birth certificate.
I mean, now you have states going out and saying in order to run for office you have to be able to provide a birth certificate. There's a big lot of things going on with respect to the birth certificate. You know, why did he spend, why is he spending millions of dollars to fight this issue instead of just providing this birth certificate? There are so many different elements here. And I will say, it's a very frightening thing for this country.
BRIAN KILMEADE: Well, there's a couple of people that backed you up. OK, De Niro is not in your corner. That's a loss. But David Brooks of the New York Times said some nice things about you and Franklin Graham has indicated that he's leaning towards endorsing you for the Republican nomination.
Trump really knows how to work the media.
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