Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Stars and Stripes Honor Flight

There's no expiration date when thanks are deserved.

As long as one has breath, it's never too late to thank someone. Failing to take the opportunity to express heartfelt gratitude, when one has the chance, is a heavy and avoidable burden. There's no reason to carry such regret.

Although thanks may be long, long overdue, showing sincere appreciation is the right thing to do no matter how much time has passed.

A thank-you delayed is still valued and meaningful.

The emotional mission of STARS AND STRIPES HONOR FLIGHT:

Our mission is to fly WWII veterans and terminally ill veterans from other wars to see their memorials in Washington, DC. We also work closely with schools throughout Wisconsin to ensure that the heroic stories of our veterans are built into the curriculum so that future generations will fully appreciate the sacrifices made on their behalf.


As the last of the Greatest Generation approach their final curtain call, we are witnesses to a tremendous loss as we embrace a precious opportunity. They will die – 900 heroes – men and women who defined dignity, pass from us each and every day. They take their stories and history and enormous bravery with them. But many are among us still. There is no earthly way we can approach a gift that reflects our depth of gratitude. But we thank them anyway. With YOUR HELP we thank them.

Please… Help Honor Flight FLY.

IT HAS BEEN SAID that a veteran is someone who at one point in his or her life wrote a blank check made payable to the United States of America for an amount "up to and including my life." On islands in the Pacific. In the skies above Europe. On the beaches of Normandy and Iwo Jima and beneath the war torn seas, in the middle of nowhere, far from home, they served they bled and they died. Harder still they will tell you, was watching their buddies suffer. They demur, that “those who never came home are the real heroes.”

FOR THOSE WHO DID RETURN from World War II and are with us still, it is time for a simple Thank You. A profound day of reunion and renewal. A trip to the nation's capitol to see their WWII Memorial before it is too late.

Donate here.

Watch the Honor Flight documentary trailer:

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