Thursday, May 19, 2005


The U.S. Senate is embroiled in one of the most crucial debates of our time, over the unwarranted and unprecedented use of the filibuster against the President's judicial nominees.

Please let your Senator know that any plan or compromise that denies any of the President's highly qualified judicial nominees a vote on the Senate floor is no compromise. It is outright capitulation.

Recently, Majority Leader Frist came to the floor of the U.S. Senate to offer a nonpartisan, "good government" compromise on judges that addressed concerns raised by both parties about the process. The Frist compromise would guarantee a process to bring all appellate court nominees through the Judiciary Committee, then provide 100 hours of debate on each nominee and a vote on the Senate floor.

But that very workable and reasonable compromise was instantly rejected by Senate Democrats, who have no intention or desire to work with the President or Senate Republicans on this issue. It has become clear that Senate Democrats and liberal special interest groups are working together to use the filibuster as a tool of obstruction to permanently block the President's most important and highly qualified judicial nominees from the bench, permanently.

Call your Senator, write your local newspaper, and help raise a voice against any supposed "compromise" on judicial nominees that would deny any of the President's nominees to the Supreme Court and the federal appellate courts a fair up or down vote.

Take Action - Contact Your Senators Today!

Source: Judicial Confirmation Network

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